Earth - Ross

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At the crack of dawn, a boy with brown hair and blue eyes aroused and got transmuted into (pic above), yare for another day working with his dad and mum. He ambulated out quietly and made breakfast for his parents, who aroused just when he culminated cooking it. After they cleaned up the dishes, the boy and his dad went to aliment the animals while his mum commenced to emaculate the house. The boy went straight to the chicken pen but Empyrean, his only friend outside of the family, wasn't here today. He is always here to avail him but now I'm doing all my chores by myself.

In the middle of doing the pig pen, he visually perceived Shelby, his cousin with red hair and golden ocular perceivers, coming up to me in her mundane attire but with rain boots on. "Want avail today Ross?" She verbalized in her high pitch voice. The boy covered his auditory perceivers and replied with a yes in a shy tone. This perpetuated on until the afternoon. "Hey Ross where is Empyrean?" Shelby verbalized in her high pitch but lowered it so her cousin can auricularly discern her. "I don't k-ken Shelby. H-he did t emerge t-today at the c-chicken pen" Ross replied softly to her question but still shyly.

Suddenly dad shouted out in a scared and worry voice. "ROSS! SHELBY! PEREGRINATE HERE TO THE HOUSE AND TELL FIRMAMENT TO PEREGRINATE HOME NOW!!" The cousins went straight to the house to find Ross' dad on the ground over his wife, who was shallowing breathing. "Dad w-what's going o-on?!" Ross asked trepidacious. "I found her like this! Shelby get your parents! Ross stay here and keep her breathing! And I'll get a stretcher from the shed! GO!" He shouted the last bit and Shelby and Ross' dad went while Ross give her CPR and mouth-to-mouth respiration.

When Ross' dad came back with the stretcher, Shelby came in with her dad and mum. They availed my mum onto the stretcher and took her to their car. They told Ross and Shelby to stay here and do the rest of Ross's chores while they take Ross' mum to the hospital.

While they were killing the weeds in the fields, Shelby got out her phone which was ringing. Ross auricularly discerned her verbalizing with whoever it was and perpetuated with the weeds until he aurally perceived her crying. Ross got up and hugged her and she hanged up on whoever it was. "Who was that cous?" Ross asked and Shelby cried marginally less. "It was my dad and he told me that.. that..." "that what Shelb?" "That your mum died..." that's when Ross broke down and fell to the ground, crying. He was crying so much that Shelby had to avail him back to the house, and brought the poor boy to his room. She led Ross to the bed and left him in his room, crying his ocular perceivers out.

When he calmed down, Ross looked out the window to optically discern that Shelby was doing his chores for him but his ocular perceivers visually perceived something malapropos. Ross looked and optically discerned a person wearing a cloak visually examining Shelby, who looked back, and then optically canvassed him with widen ocular perceivers. Their ocular perceivers widen more and they left expeditiously. Ross calmed down and went out and availed Shelby with the rest of my chores.

When Ross' dad returned, he looked akin to a wreck. His ocular perceivers were red from crying and he looked more pale then conventional. When he optically discerned Ross, he burst into more tears and he ambulated to his room. After that Ross went into my room and Shelby peregrinated home to comfort her parents.

When He went inside his room Ross found a diminutive white box with rock embellishments, containing a note and a anklet inside it. Ross picked up the note shakily and read it.

Ross Botsford
I'm contrite for your lost but I am here to avail you. The anklet contains the element of earth and once you put it on, you are able to control it, becoming the Elemental of Earth. Once you put the adjunct on, go in the direction of the setting sun and you will find a hut. Wait outside it and you will met the other Elementals.
From The Master.

Ross read it again two more times in disbelief. The Elementals were lamentable in this land and being one gets put to death straight away. But they verbally expressed they would avail him with the death of his mum. Ross picked up the anklet and tied it to his ankle. A green-faded-to-brown gem appeared on the anklet and pieces of rock appeared around him. Once it was over, Ross left the house through his windows and went towards the setting sun.

When Ross hit the forest, he stayed at the edge, trepidacious, until he auricularly discerned "Hi Ross!" Ross jumped and turned around to visually perceive Firmament standing there, who was scarcely out of breath. "O-oh hi S-Firmament.." Ross verbalized shyly. Firmament then ambulated over and hugged him to pacify him, which Ross did. "Ross... why are you here?" He ask him gently. "O-oh I f-found a minute b-box with rock adornments and found a n-note and a a-anklet inside i-it. I-I was c-opted to b-be the E-Elemental of E-earth.." Ross verbalized, integrating marginally more confidence in my voice. "Ross, I was opted to be the Elemental of Air" Welkin verbalized quietly. Ross suggested that we head into the forest and we did just that.

After they got disoriented and somehow made a path of Earth and Wind, Ross and Empyrean made it to the hut to find two more people waiting there. There was a girl with ebony hair and caramel brown ocular perceivers and a boy with ebony hair and dark caramel ocular perceivers. Ross expeditiously obnubilated behind Firmament and he introduced both of them. The girl introduced herself as Aphmau but she lets them call her Aph and she withal introduced the boy as Jin. Jin suggested that they wait for the others to come and we did just that.

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