Paparazzi (13)

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The cabinets are locked.

The diet?

The diet.

The diet!

On the counter is my breakfast, celery and some oatmeal.
That's the Evanline Apparel diet.
Celery and dry oatmeal/porridge oats washed down with lemon water.

That diet works really quickly, but it makes me so grouchy.

Popping the celery sticks in my mouth, I am met with the salty-bitter taste of my diet, I ram the pot of porridge oats in my bag.

When my chauffeur drives up in the driveway I jump in the back, fiddling with a piece of stray hair.
Who cares if I get split ends?
Not me.

"Good morning Gracie..." He begins.

"It's not." I say bluntly, leaving the limo in an uncomfortable awkward air.

Jumping out of the limo, I instantly regret coming out of the car.


Blinding flashes of light attack my face, questions swirl around me and I see the tiny red light flashing on and off.

"Gracie Evans, the new face of four giant designers..."

"Rolling in three, two -"

A huge slam makes me jump erupts from behind me.

I see my chauffeur pushing past to get to me.

"Leave her alone! Her father will not hesitate to sue!" He shouts at them.

That does it, they leave with hung heads and their faces drooping.
I hate this part of fame.

"Thank you." I shake the saviours hand.

"Have a good day Miss Evans"

I will try, at least, even with obnoxious cameras flashing in my face.


I arrived early to school today, leaving me with time to go to the library and study. I love learning new things, practical and non practical.
But today I end up reading some fiction.
Romeo and Juliet.

Being a British babe, I naturally grew a liking towards Shakespeare, even if some of his work is a tad too wordy.
But the playwright did invent new words like 'laughable'.

Really, I should have been reading.
But my internal thoughts keep on coming back to the paparazzi attacking me, same old, same old.
How I hate the paparazzi, how they stalk people and make you look bad in public. How they could show up when you least need them.


"You know, Jane Austen is a pretty good author too." A familiar voice speaks behind me.

Jane Austen.

Jane Austen.

"You know Jane Austen?" I say, placing my book down on the laminate wood. Looking at Tom who was even hotter than yesterday. His face was literally perfect.


"I don't know the chick personally, but I read her book..."



"She wrote books, not just one."

"Right, but pride and prejudice is her most famous one."

"Yep. She wrote sense and stability, that-"

A hand inexplicably shoots out in front of my face and clamps my mouth shut. Of course, I turn my body so that I have him in the position. He yelps and thrashes around until I grab him in some sort of death grip that causes immense pain.

"So, how are you taking the harsh punishment of being grounded?" I smile at him.

"It has it's perks..." He smirks.

Now it's my turn to be confused.

"Why?" I cock my head to the side like a kitten begging for cuddles.

"Because I can spend all day in bed, on my laptop, on YouTube, looking at pictures, fan fiction and videos all dedicated to you." He grins.

"Oh yeah?"
I snarl at him, no, more like growl at him.

"The amount of lotion and tissues I have used since yesterday..." he smirks.


"The Lingerie pictures should be interesting, huh?" He smirks again, making him more attractive than what he already is, and I know what I have to do.

It's the only rational thing to do.

I slap him.

A/N: OOOH, look a wild longer chapter appeared! Yes, I am trying really hard to write longer chapters! And Gracie loves to inflict physical pain on Tom, right?

Aand, I'm back from the Neverland's! I had such a nice time, made so many new Dutch friends and Amsterdam has so much culture! I would love to go again, but soon I'm going to France with my school, so yeah.

Anyway, hope you guys like the longer chapter.


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