Princess Sophie (18)

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The picture to the side is Princess Sophie, And yes, It's the girl who played Renesme in Breaking Dawn. I think that she's so pretty! So yeah, if you can't view it, Just search Mackenzie Foy.


Where could a park be?!

Down the road?

In a different area?

In a different state?!

Oh for the love of spinach.

Plugging in my head phones to my iPhone, I began trekking down the road. Since I live in a 'gated community', I knew a park had to be here somewhere.
I decided to give up and walk to the moving barrier where the security people sit.

"Excuse me, do you know where a park is?" I asked the beefy guy.

"Sure, down the road and to the right."
He pointed where to go.

"Thanks." I mutter with my head down as near the little red gate.

The park is tiny, and can fit 30 kids at the most. There is a slide, a swing set, a climbing frame and a sandpit.
This whole park is a little full, with kids running past me.

I find a place under an oak, with the leaves casting shadows across the park, I plonk myself under it.

The children run together, playing a game of tag. They look so happy to live in this perfect world.

A young girl locks eyes with me, with eyes full of wonder. As she skips towards me, I pull out a handful of daisies.
She finally plonks herself down next to me.

"Hello." I smile at her.

"Hi! She squeals at me.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Sophie!" Sophie fidgets.

"Well Sophie, you shouldn't talk to strangers." I look at the fresh faced girl

"But you're not a stranger..." She guiltily looks at me.

"What do you mean, Sophie?"

"You're a princess!" She smiles at me, showing her sweet dimples.

"Ah, yes. And you must be princess Sophie!" I play along.

"Yes! Yes! I'm princess Sophie!"

"How old are you, princess Sophie?"

"6." She lisps.

"Are you here alone?"
I ask her.

"Yes!" She says happily.

"Why?" I stare at her brunette hair.

"My brother is meant to pick me up at 2 o'clock!" She says proudly.

Oh my god.

It's 5.34pm.

He's left a six year old alone in the park?!

That douche.

"Err, do you know where he could be?"

"With a girl... making sandwiches!"


"Well, they were in bed, and I saw some mayonnaise on the bedsheets. So they were making sandwiches!"

Oh my god.

The girl walked in on them getting nasty.

That disgusting brother.

"Oh, yes, they were. How old is your brother?"

"He's this many years older than me!" She proudly showed ten fingers.

"-oh no! He had his birthday two months ago!" She smacks her head on the base of the oak.

So he's 17, the little prick.

"Oh, do you know where you live?"

"No, but my brother is here!" She points to a figure that waves frantically.

"I need to speak with him..."

"Sure!" She smiles.

"Thanks." I smile back.


The figure moves towards us, and Sophie brakes into a run. She runs in his arms like a happy toddler, with her skinny arms wrapped around his torso like a vice.

"Gracie?" The prick asks.




"What are you doing with my sister?'
He narrows his eyes.

"Looking after her, because you left her in a park for three hours!" I hiss.

"I forgot okay!" He huffs.

"You forgot about your 6 year old sister?" I shout.

"I was busy!"

I snort.

"Making sandwiches." Sophie pipes up.

"She saw you making sandwiches. She saw the mayo!" I raise my eyebrows, and his face looks horrified.

"What?" He kneels over to Sophie.

"Well, you and this ugly girl were in bed, giggling and there was mayonnaise all over the bed!" She giggles.

"Oh." He sighs.

"I don't know your name, princess!" Sophie looks at me.

"It's Gracie." I smile at Sophie.

"Prince Tommy likes you!" She giggles.

"Prince?" I stifle a laugh, and Tom looks away.

Oh god. He's adorable.

"Don't ask."

"I won't."

"How come you are here?" He asks me.

"I live here." I point towards my house.

"Wow, living in the same area as a supermodel." He smirks down at me.

"Aha! I knew you were a princess!"
Sophie beams at me, grabbing my hand.

"You are in all my magazines!" She continues. Tom's eyebrows fly up.

"And you are so skinny, when I grow up, I want to be just like you!" She pulls down at my hand.

Tears pool up in my eyes, and my throat thickens with emotion.

"So that's why I skip dinner! Hungry to bed, hungry to rise, makes a girl a smaller size!" She blinks.

Oh no. Please no. It can't be.

"I have to go-" I pull my bag up and get ready to run.

"Wait!" Tom calls out to me.

I stop abruptly, causing him to crash into my back.

"Make sure Sophie eats. Take care of her, and get rid of every goddamn magazine she has of me. Please."
I stare into Tom's eyes, with tears blurring my vision.

I run away from him.

Because if that's how an innocent 6 year old thinks, how does a normal 16 year old think?

I can't be the cause of this.


It was difficult for me to write this because, I just want Gracie's view to come across as that she does not agree with the idea of size zero models.

• It didn't really flow, sorry if I disappointed you guys.

• And it's a skill to write three new chapters for two books under the influence of three Starbucks, the undeniable urge to pee, and a coach ride full of friends.

~ Yours truly, Dominika.

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