Chapter 3

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"Good morning, good morning, sunbeams will soon smile through, good morning, my darlings, to you!" Jackie sang, doing her best Debbie Reynolds impression, as Mary Kate and George shuffled into the kitchen. Her own mother used to greet her each morning with the little tune, and Jackie had taken to singing it to her own children. "How did you sleep?"

"Good," Mary Kate replied with a cheery voice, climbing up on a stool to sit at the kitchen island in Jackie and Harry's Kensington Palace flat. George, on the other hand, was still quite sleepy, clinging to Jackie's legs. She scooped her nephew up and he rested his head on her shoulder while she poured herself some coffee.

"I made some pancakes for you, and then we're going to get dressed, and Nanny Sophia and Nanny Maria are going to take you all to the farm park," Jackie announced. Kensington 1B had been quite full that night, Jackie and Harry offered to have George and Charlotte sleep over to give Will and Kate a night to themselves.

"Watch out for the stampede!" Harry's voice called, giving a few seconds warning before Caroline, Cece, and Charlotte came thundering into the kitchen. The "Three C's", as the girls were affectionately known to their parents, woke up bright and early as usual, calling from their cribs for attention. Harry -- quite impressively - managed to wrangle all three ten-month-olds into their clothes while Jackie got breakfast ready.

"Pancakes for everyone," Jackie called. She and Harry got the kids seated and fed, not finding the time to feed themselves. George and Mary Kate were dressed, and before there was time for playing, the nannies arrived, ready to swoop the royal cousins off to the farm park.

"Will there be baby cows?" George wondered as Jackie zipped up his jacket.

"I think so, remember, the animals have their babies in the spring," Jackie answered, turning to Mary Kate to help her tug on a little pair of wellies. "You two be sure to look after your sisters," Jackie reminded. "And listen to Nanny Sophia and Nanny Maria."

"No running away," Harry warned with a sparkle in his eyes. "That means you, Mary."

Mary Kate giggled. She'd developed a habit of running like the wind every chance she got.

Harry and Jackie got the children ready for their outing just as the clock stuck 8:30 am.

"One, two, three, four, five ducks in a row," Jackie said with a grin, turning her brood over to the nannies. Jackie and Harry gave each of the children a peck on the cheek before Nanny Maria and Nanny Sophia led them out of the flat.

Now surrounded by silence, Jackie and Harry turned to each other.

"I think we could have done it," Jackie said with a fond smile.

"Managed four?" Harry asked.

Jackie nodded. Had things not taken such a tragic turn that past fall, she would have been about 9 months pregnant with her fourth child. Jackie tried to remind herself that if Patrick was still growing inside her, the ovarian cancer would have been, too.

Instead of saying anything, Harry gave Jackie a peck and a tight squeeze. She smiled into his shoulder. "I have to go."

"When should I expect you home?" Harry asked, "Next year?"

"Not quite, I'll be back before 6," Jackie replied with a smile. "When will you be back?"

"My meeting is scheduled from noon to 5," Harry said. "If I don't strangle myself with my tie, I'll be home by 5:30."

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