Chapter 11

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Jackie's heart was pounding in her ears. Her walk from the ultrasound room back to her bed in the emergency department was a blur. She couldn't be pregnant. It was impossible. 

"Would you like some water?" Ivy offered, taking notice of Jackie's ashen appearance. 

Jackie shook her head. "No, thank you."

"What happened?" Ivy asked cautiously, "If I may ask."

The words felt foreign coming out of Jackie's mouth. "I'm pregnant." 

Ivy frowned, justifiably confused. "How is that possible?" 

"I have absolutely no idea," Jackie whispered. "It must be the second immaculate conception." 

Ivy let out a laugh, putting a hand to her mouth. "How do you feel?" 

Jackie was at a loss for words. "Very, very confused." 

Ivy smiled, heading for the door. "Well, congratulations. I'm sure it's the last thing you were expecting." 

"That's for certain," Jackie scoffed. "I just -- I had no idea, how didn't I know?" 

"Have you had a cycle since your surgery?" 

Jackie shook her head. "It was 6 months ago, I had spotting for two months after that, but my doctor told me it was normal, from the trauma of the procedure. I haven't seen anything for 4 months..." Jackie's stomach turned. Could she be four months pregnant and have absolutely no idea?

Ivy left Jackie alone in her room, and the Duchess reached for her phone. She held it in her hand for a moment, not sure what to do. Her watch told her it was 6:00 pm. Harry should be just finishing up at the Games. He was supposed to attend a dinner with some sponsors, but that could be rescheduled. Jackie decided Harry would be her second call. First, she needed to speak with her other second half. 

"Hello, Jacqueline, I'm just leaving the mall right now, I found a new pair of heels and a little dress that's going to look lovely on Mary, they didn't have any in Caroline and Cece's size, though-" 

"Elizabeth," Jackie interrupted, her voice serious. "I need you to come to Florida Hospital Orlando." 

Jackie could hear the panic in Elizabeth's voice. "Oh my god, what's happened? Is it one of the girls? Mary's ears?" 

"No, it's me, I'm -- " Jackie paused. It wasn't right to tell Elizabeth before Harry knew. "It's nothing bad. Get in touch with Chris, he's waiting outside. He'll tell you where to go." 

"You're going to give me a heart attack," Elizabeth breathed. Jackie could hear a car starting up. "I'll be right there." 

Jackie hung up, next dialing a number she knew by heart. 

A voice answered, but it wasn't Harry. "Your Highness, this is Michael. His Highness isn't-" 

Jackie could hear Harry's voice in the background "-- that Jackie?" 

Then, Harry took the phone. "What's happening?" 

"You need to come down here," Jackie urged, her heart pounding. 

"Is it back?" Harry asked, his voice desperate. "Is it?" 

"No, no," Jackie's heart broke at the sheer fear in Harry's tone. "But I need you to come here." 

"What's the matter, then? Are -- is something wrong?" 

"Well," Jackie didn't want to tell Harry the news over the phone, he probably wouldn't believe her anyway, so she said, "just come here. But don't worry. Just come." 

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