Chapter 4

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"Goodbye darling, have a good day at school," Kate said, bending down to give George a peck on the cheek before he rushed from the front door of Anmer Hall to Jackie's car. "Good morning, Mary Kate!" Kate called with a wave.

Mary Kate blew a kiss to her aunt through the window of Jackie's Range Rover. "Hi!"

Jackie scooped up George, greeting him with a kiss, before she buckled him into his safety seat next to Mary Kate. "I'll see you after school," Jackie called to Kate as she climbed into the driver's seat.

"See you!" Kate called, waving as Jackie drove away, turning in the direction of Westacre Montessori, just a 20 minute drive through the countryside.

The Cambridges and Windsors came up with a carpool arrangement when George and Mary Kate started nursery school just a few months ago -- Jackie or Harry dropped the children off, and Kate or Will picked them up. Jackie thoroughly enjoyed her early-morning rides with the Royal cousins.

"Are you two excited for Pancake Day at school today?" Jackie questioned, glancing in the rearview mirror as she drove to catch a glimpse of the children's excited faces. Pancake Day was a popular holiday in schools all over the country, a day where children had the thrill of snacking on buttery pancakes with their classmates.

"Ms. Haire makes them!" Mary Kate squealed, referring to her and George's teacher.

"And we all get to eat some," George added proudly.

"We share," Mary Kate agreed. One of the principles of Montessori was teaching children the values of kindness. Jackie, Harry, Will, and Kate always tried to teach their children to be kind and giving to one another, especially to those less fortunate. It was a difficult concept for two-year-olds to grasp, but the sooner they learned, the better.

"Will you save a pancake for me?" Jackie teased. "I'll be very hungry."

George and Mary Kate giggled from their seats, Jackie added, "Maybe you could put one in your pocket."

"No!" George squealed with laughter.

Mary Kate was just as delighted as her cousin, "Mummy, it would be sticky!"

"Oh, you're right," Jackie agreed with a laugh. "I'll make myself a pancake when I get home."

They arrived at Westacre Montessori amongst other parents and children. Jackie parked amongst the other cars, taking Mary Kate's and George's hands as they walked to the friendly-looking brick schoolhouse.

Jackie greeted passing parents with a friendly, "Good morning." There were absolutely no bows or curtsies or "Your Highness"s at Westacre Montessori. It was a perfect little school, tucked away in the Norfolk countryside, carefully selected by Jackie, Harry, Kate, and Will. They decided that the nursery, which taught a class of just 27 students, was the perfect place for the young Royals to start their education. The school's motto was 'education through play,' and was accepting of all students, including those with physical and learning disabilities.

The Windsors and Cambridges made it very clear that they wanted their children to be treated just like everyone else while they were at school. The teachers and parents were incredibly welcoming and understanding. No stories had been leaked about how Mary Kate or George behaved in the classroom, and they were nurtured and disciplined just like every other pupil.

Jackie, Harry, Kate, and Will were fully embracing the role of class parents. They volunteered to help in the classroom, brought snacks for the children, and chaperoned class trips. Mary Baker had been very involved with Jackie's schooling, and she intended to do the same for her daughters, niece, and nephew.

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