Chapter 8

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"Happy birthday Charlotte!" Jackie cooed into her iPhone, "You're such a big girl and I can't wait to give you a snuggle when I get back."

Charlotte gave a happy shriek and Kate's laughter was audible in the background. "She says thank you!"

Jackie smiled to herself. It was May 2nd; Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge's first birthday and the day the Windsor family was jetting off to Orlando for the Invictus Games. Jackie hadn't gotten the chance to say happy birthday to her niece in person, as their private flight left at 5 that morning, so she decided to call while Kate was getting the children breakfast.

"How are your girls doing on the plane?" Kate asked. Jackie could hear Charlotte and George in the background, chattering away as they ate their breakfast.

"They're sleeping right now," Jackie reported. "It's an 11 hour flight, so I'm glad, I'm sure they'll be dying to get off."

Mary Kate, Caroline, and Cece were snuggled together on a pullout bed on the small private jet, their deep breathing in sync. Harry was also taking advantage of the quiet flight, slouched down in his seat, his hood up. Jackie was the only Windsor awake. She'd been feeling strange lately; in addition to her nausea, her sleep schedule was totally thrown off. She was up all night and drowsy all day.

"You should get some rest, too," Kate advised. "You're in for a long few days."

Jackie smiled. "I will. Give your kids a kiss from me."

"Same to yours," Kate said. "Have fun at the Games, keep me updated!"

Jackie hung up, resting her phone on her lap. She sat back in her seat, letting out a sigh. Kate was right, Jackie would need some rest to make it through the Games. She and Harry were scheduled to attend upwards of 6 hours a day for 5 days at competitions and events at the Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando. Jackie had to worry about how the girls would behave during their brief public appearances.

Jackie stood from her chair, tiptoeing to the pullout bed her daughters slept on. She settled down onto the bed next to them, moving slowly as to not wake them. Jackie rested her head on her arm, gently caressing each girl's hair, admiring their peaceful expressions. Though she couldn't sleep, Jackie could rest knowing that her daughters were safe, happy, and healthy.


'Happy Birthday Royal Twins! Caroline and Cece Turn 1!'

'Get out the checkbook, Granny! The Queen and other members of the royal family had a busy, gift-filled week, celebrating the birthdays of not one, not two, but THREE princesses! Just a day after their cousin, Princess Charlotte, turned 1, the Windsor twins have reached their first birthday.'

'Kensington Palace marked the occasion by releasing a sweet photograph of the identical (but not so identical) twins with a series of tweet.'

'The Duke and Duchess of Windsor are delighted to share a photo of Princess Caroline and Princess Cecilia on their first birthday.'

'The photo was taken by the Duchess of Cambridge at the Windsors' home in Norfolk in April.'

'The Duke and Duchess hope everyone enjoys the photo as much as they do.'


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