Chapter 9

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"Cece's bow, let me-" Elizabeth reached to straighten the white bow that pulled Cece's hair out of her face. "There." 

Jackie, Harry, Elizabeth, Mary Kate, Caroline, Cece, Nanny Sophia, and Nanny Maria were backstage at the opening ceremony of the Invictus Games. It was 6:57pm, the Windsors were due to appear at 7:00. Jackie was nervous, not for herself, but for her daughters. It was their first major appearance at such a large event, and the whole world was watching. 

"We're going to give everyone a big wave," Harry explained to Mary Kate, who was peering curiously behind the curtains that led to the entrance into the arena. "Can you show me your wave?" 

Mary Kate turned to her father and gave him an enthusiastic wave, using both hands at once. Jackie hoped the large crowd wouldn't give the almost-three-year-old stage fright. She hated seeing her daughters upset. 

Jackie gave Cece a kiss on the cheek and fussed over her dress, trying to keep her mind busy. The Windsor family was color-coordinated, something Jackie would never take the time to do on a regular day, but the Queen's staff insisted it was important for a good photo-op. All three girls were wearing dresses of some shade of blue, styles similar but different. She wanted to be sure that they all had their own identity -- especially the twins. Jackie wore a simple navy dress, Harry wore his favorite blue suit, and they each had Invictus Games pins front and center on their chests. 

"If someone starts crying, give us a moment to comfort them, but if they keep going, you can come get them all," Jackie reminded Nanny Sophia. The Windsors would walk into the arena together, stand and wave, watch the entrances of each country's team, before Nanny Sophia and Nanny Maria would collect the children, taking them back to the rental home, while Jackie and Harry stayed for the remainder of the ceremony. 

The experienced nanny gave a curt nod. "We'll be watching." 

"Caroline doesn't like loud noises, I'm worried she'll be frightened," Jackie continued, her voice anxious. She trailed off, losing her train of thought. 

"Don't worry Your Highness, they're going to love watching the entrances, with the flags and the music. The twins sat through an entire dance performance at the park just a few weeks ago," Nanny Sophia insisted, giving Jackie a reassuring smile. "Enjoy yourself."

Jackie nodded, trying to believe Nanny Sophia. She knew the children just as well as Jackie and Harry did. 

Harry's voice broke Jackie's inner turmoil. "Are you ready?" 

Jackie turned to her husband, forgetting her own worries for a moment. She nodded and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Your speech is going to be brilliant." 

Harry beamed. "Thanks." He added, "Thanks for listening to it a thousand times and helping me make it perfect." 

Jackie smiled, her eyes crinkling in the corners. "Of course. Everyone's going to love it." 

An event coordinator signaled to Jackie and Harry to get into position. Having three children, two of whom were at the awkward age of being too heavy to carry easily but too unstable to walk on their own, made their entrance more complicated. Jackie was to carry Caroline, the child most likely to be frightened by the noise. Harry would carry Cece, the bravest of the twins, and Mary Kate would walk between her parents, holding both of their hands. 

The coordinator counted down silently with his fingers, three, two, one. 

A booming voice announced to the cheering audience, "Ladies and gentleman, please welcome, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, and Princesses Mary Kate, Caroline, and Cecilia."

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