Chapter 12

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"We're going to watch some races in the pool," Jackie explained, unbuckling Mary Kate from her carseat and helping her daughter climb out of the Range Rover.

"Where's Daddy?" Mary Kate questioned, twisting the Invictus Games pin that adorned her yellow sweater.

"He's already there, we're going to look for him," Jackie said. She and Mary Kate had arrived at the Wide World of Sports Center in Orlando for the second day of the four day Invictus Games. Jackie and Harry wanted to bring Mary Kate to the swimming event, as their daughter loved the pool. She took lessons and swam for fun, in the back garden pool at York Cottage while in Norfolk, and in the luxurious indoor pool at Buckingham Palace while in London.

It was Mary Kate's second and last appearance at the Games. The press had gone into a frenzy when the three Windsor girls appeared at the Opening Ceremony, and people all over social media were begging for more opportunities to see the little princesses. Jackie and Harry agreed that the public had good reason to want updates on their children, after all, Mary Kate, Caroline and Cece were public figures. However, they had to find the proper balance between over-exposure and aloofness.

Jackie adjusted her grip on Mary Kate's hand, following Chris's lead into the outdoor natatorium. Though it was early May, the air had a bit of a chill. Mary Kate's strawberry blonde hair ruffled in the cool breeze. Jackie didn't envy the swimmers diving into the water.

There were press crawling everywhere, snapping photos and capturing footage of the swimmers. It wasn't hard to pick Harry out in the crowd on the deck, practically every camera was pointed in his direction.

"There's daddy!" Mary Kate shrieked excitedly, pointing towards Harry. The press's attention quickly turned in the direction of Mary's shout, their flashes going off like fireworks. Mary Kate wasn't phased, tugging Jackie towards Harry.

Harry was speaking animately with an American swimmer. It was clear how passionate he was about the Games, and it warmed Jackie's heart. She leaned down to warn Mary Kate, "Don't interrupt, we've got to let them finish talking."

Mary Kate didn't have to wait long, Harry finished up his conversation and noticed his family had arrived. He bent down and held open his arms. Mary ran to her father and he scooped her up with a laugh. "Hello, darling," he greeted, giving Mary Kate a peck on the cheek.

The cameras snapped away, Mary Kate put a loving hand on Harry's cheek, saying, "Mummy and I came to watch the swimming with you."

"Oh, I'm so glad," Harry said cheerily, leaning to give Jackie a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for coming."

"Of course," Jackie said with a grin. It was the first time she'd been in public since she'd found out that she was pregnant. Jackie and Harry tried to digest the news, that they were expecting a baby that never should have existed, and that in October, just 5 months away, they would be parents to four children under the age of four.

Thankfully, no news of Jackie's trip to the emergency department had leaked. As Elizabeth had said, it seemed impossible to explain Jackie's pregnancy to the press. The Palace had released a statement that her ovaries had been removed while detailing her cancer treatment last autumn. There were all sorts of reactions that could occur, people may think Jackie was lying and was seeking attention, they may think she'd never had cancer in the first place, or that there was some sort of surrogate conspiracy, that the baby bump was fake and some underpaid woman was locked in the dungeons of Kensington Palace, being forced to carry a baby for the Windsors. There was no way to know how to media and the public would take the news, and Jackie wasn't exactly looking forward to the announcement. 

Harry called the Queen and told her the news first, then they called William and Catherine together. Their family had the same questions Jackie and Harry had for the doctors, but everyone was absolutely overjoyed. For now, their secret would remain a secret from the public.

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