Chapter 13

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'Royal Shock: Jacqueline Baker is Pregnant With Her Fifth Child'

'After a heartbreaking miscarriage and battle with cancer that left the Duchess of Windsor and the rest of the world thinking that she would never have another child, Kensington Palace has announced that the 32-year-old wife of Prince Harry is expecting.'

'At  exactly 11 am today, Kensington Palace tweeted:'

'TRH the Duke and Duchess of Windsor are thrilled to announce that the Duchess is expecting their fifth child.'

'The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, and all members of the family are delighted.'

'Please see the Duke and Duchess's website for an informational video regarding the news.'

'The Duke and Duchess of Windsor's website was flooded with traffic as hundreds of thousands watched the 2 minute clip, featuring the Duchesses of Cambridge and Windsor's OB/GYN, Dr. Rebecca Brown.'

'A graduate of the University of Oxford, Dr. Brown has delivered all five royal cousins and treated the Duchess of Windsor when she miscarried a baby at 13 weeks last autumn and oversaw her cancer treatment, which involved 6 weeks of radiation therapy and a double oophorectomy.'

'In the brief video, Dr. Brown explains that a double oophorectomy, or removal of both of a woman's ovaries, aims to remove 100% of the ovarian tissue to reduce the risk of recurrent cancer. She explains that the procedure is not always perfect, and sometimes ovarian tissue is left behind. She says that never in documented medical history has a child been conceived by a mother who underwent a double oophorectomy, however, that it has happened in the Duchess of Windsor's case.'

'The news, just a few hours old, has already created a media frenzy. Social media outlets are flooded with posts regarding the royal pregnancy and news stations around the world are covering the breaking story.'

'Photos of the Duchess of Windsor just last week at husband Prince Harry's Invictus Games in Orlando are being scrutinized for signs of a baby bump. Just two months ago, The Telegraph apologized to the Duchess for running a story claiming she was pregnant, which at the time was thought to be impossible. Based on the timing of the announcement, the Duchess actually was pregnant, though it appears even she was not aware.'

'More word from the Windsors is expected in the coming days as the world digests the shocking news.'


"She's going to be here at 11," Jackie said, "Her staff asked for 3 hours."

Nanny Sophia nodded. "I'll bring them back around 2, then. Good luck with your interview."

Jackie grinned. "Thank you."

Three days had passed since the news of Jackie's pregnancy was announced. The world's media had gone absolutely mad, running story after story about Jackie, Harry, and the baby. Neither of the Windsors had gone out in public since the news broke, though it didn't stop a rather large crowd of onlookers from gathering outside of Kensington Palace every morning, hoping to catch a glimpse of the expecting Duchess. There was nothing more royal-watchers loved than a royal pregnancy.

Chelsea Handler and her film crew were due to arrive at Kensington Palace for Jackie's first solo interview. The Queen had graciously approved Jackie's request to speak with the American comedienne-turned-television host with a few stipulations. Jackie was not to indulge Chelsea's questions about politics. As she had learned shortly before marrying Harry, it was critical that members of the royal family not get involved in politics, especially that of another country. Chelsea was quite vocal about her dislike for presidential candidate Donald Trump and was certain to pry on Jackie's own opinion for the man, who would be facing off against Hillary Clinton in November. Though Jackie would love to throw in her own not so fond opinion about the less than charming businessman, she had to keep her lips sealed.

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