Chapter 10

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"Where should I...?" Chris looked overwhelmed, throwing the car into park outside of Florida Hospital Orlando's Emergency Department. 

Jackie tugged a hood over her head despite the heat. She couldn't risk being recognized walking into an emergency department. Her situation wasn't technically an emergency, she was in no danger of immediate death, but it was the only place that could fit her in for an ultrasound the same day. "You wait outside, make sure no photographers come in, if by some chance they've found out I'm here." 

Chris nodded, his eyes full of worry. "Call if you need me."

Jackie pressed her lips into a firm line. "I will."

She climbed from the car, hurrying through the sliding doors. The waiting room was nearly empty, a few people scattered around, taking no notice of her. Jackie strode to a desk where a nurse sat, watching her approach. 

Jackie kept her voice low, leaning in close. "I'd like to be seen, I had ovarian cancer, it's in remission, but -- I think it may be back." 

The nurse nodded. "What makes you think it's recurred?" 

"Upset stomach, bloating," Jackie said quietly. "Do you have rooms available?" 

"We do, I'll get you in one soon, but I need to ask you a few questions first," the nurse said. 

Jackie felt uncomfortable, not knowing how to phrase what she wanted to say. "I'm a public figure, I'm worried someone may see that I'm here."

"A celebrity?" The nurse studied Jackie's face closely, which was partially shrouded by her hood. She whispered, "What's your name?" 

Jackie's voice was almost inaudible. "Jacqueline Baker." 

The nurse's face paled with recognition. "Come with me." 

She stood quickly, motioning for Jackie to follow her through another set of doors. The American emergency department was similar to the A&E department back at Royal London. It was large, new, and thankfully had private rooms. The nurse led Jackie into a room near the end of the hall, closing the door behind them. 

"I'll have someone in to see you right away," the nurse promised. "Don't worry about anyone finding out your here, your name will be in the system, but no one can talk about it. Confidentiality laws." 

Jackie managed to form an appreciative smile. "Thank you. I appreciate... I appreciate your discretion."

She was left alone, sealed in a silent room surrounded by chaos. Jackie looked at her watch. It was 5 pm. 10 pm in London. Dr. Brown was probably asleep. There was no point in waking her with a call until she was certain.

There was a knock on the door. It opened slowly, another nurse peaking her head inside. "Jacqueline -- Ms. Baker -- Your Majesty -- I'm sorry, I don't know what to call you," she said with a nervous laugh.

Jackie smiled. "The Queen is 'Your Majesty,' I'm 'Your Highness,' but here, I'm Jackie."

The nurse let out a relieved sigh. She was young, probably in her late 20s, her red hair pulled into a disheveled ponytail. "Jackie. I'm Ivy, your nurse." 

"Hello, Ivy." 

Jackie sat on the edge of her bed as Ivy drug in a computer on wheels. "I need to get a medical history, and then we'll draw some blood work. We've notified our gynecologist on call, but it'll be an hour or so before she gets in. In the mean time, our emergency physician will plan your care." Jackie nodded as Ivy started up the computer. "Name and date of birth?" 

Jackie told Ivy the entire saga of her cancer. Her mother's illness, her pregnancy and miscarriage, her diagnosis, her radiation, and the removal of her ovaries. "It's been 6 months since the procedure, I started feeling nauseous weeks ago. And today I noticed that my bikini bottoms didn't fit properly, my stomach is bloated."

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