Chapter 14

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"Thank you again for having me," Jackie said, shaking hands with the director of the immigrant and refugee center in London. "And I'll be in touch about coming to volunteer."

The director beamed, giving Jackie a grateful grin. "We'd absolutely love that. And again, we so appreciate your support of the immigrant and refugee community."

Jackie smiled, attempting to ignore the overwhelming paparazzi presence, pressed against metal barricades that had been put in place by local police. "Anything I can do to help, please let me know."

"We will. Goodbye!" the director called as Chris escorted Jackie to the royal Range Rover waiting at the curb, Elizabeth following closely behind. Jackie gave a quick wave to the well-wishers and paparazzi that had come out to see her, estimated to be over 500 people crammed together on the London streets. It was Jackie's first appearance since the pregnancy news had been announced, and she was happy that some of the crazed publicity surrounding her would go towards the Center.

"You're still feeling up to meeting with Chelsea again?" Elizabeth asked, her leather-bound planner open in her lap.

"Of course," Jackie answered, waving again at the crowds through the window as Chris drove away from the Center, in the direction of a small primary school where Chelsea's "focus group" was taking place. "I'm looking forward to it."

"I don't want you to overwork yourself," Elizabeth added cautiously, attempting to sound casual by scribbling in her planner as she spoke. "While you're pregnant."

Jackie smiled to herself, fluffing her curled hair and picking a piece of fuzz from her pink printed Oscar de la Renta dress, a happy, bright ensemble for her first appearance in front of the cameras. "I promise you I won't."

Jackie appreciated Elizabeth's concern, and there was no engagement or interview important enough to jeopardize her or her miracle baby's health. "I'll just pop by for a moment and speak with the children and then I'll be on my way. I've gone over the talking points the Queen sent, and I'll be sticking to the script," Jackie reassured. "Kate, Will and the kids are coming over for dinner tonight so I've got to get back to 1B to start cooking."

Elizabeth nodded, hiding a smile. "God knows we can't let anything get in the way of dinner plans."

After a short drive, Chris stopped the car at the back entrance of the school where Chelsea was filming. Jackie and Elizabeth climbed out, walking quickly, as to not be spotted. Chelsea's crew was aware that Jackie was coming, so was the headmaster of the school and the parents of the interviewees, but no one else had been told. Especially not the children.

Jackie and Elizabeth were greeted by Chelsea's producer, who fitted the Duchess's pink dress with a discreet microphone. They were escorted to a door that led to the library where Chelsea was speaking with the children, whose excited voices could be heard loud and clear.

"I know that American people think that British people drink a lot of tea, do you like tea?" Chelsea's voice asked.

Jackie and Elizabeth exchanged silent smiles as the children answered quickly.

"My mummy likes tea, she and my granny drink it everyday together."

"I like tea, but only when I put lots of sugar in."

"Too much sugar will make your teeth get cavities."

"It sounds like a lively crowd," Jackie commented to the producer with a laugh, being sure to keep her voice down so she wasn't heard.

"They've been so great, they answer so honestly. And they're so well behaved," said the producer. "I'm going to give Chelsea the sign that you're here, and she's going to ask the kids what they think about the Royal Family. Then you'll go in."

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