Life 7

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I was sleeping at Nathan's and we were just having pure jokes, we had been linking for time now, I mean months, but we has funny times. Pissing his asian fried Raj off, and kept calling his house and chattin shit to his marje. Nathan had a sick asian accent, don't know where he got it from, he musta been jammin with them Asian men at them weave shops when he was younger, I don't know but he was sick! We left Raj alone after abit and was just sitting there kissing. Snakesz kept texting along with Pez and Salim, it was pissing me off. He randomly got up and got some next weapon and went to the door, he opened it fully and was looking out at the rest of the blocks. I sat there and watched TV. I don't wanna know, I swear to me this life was normal, to normal people this life was a threat and dangerous. It weren't my choice I told my dad to pay my mum a few grand to have her as a personal sex slave, found out the woman was pregnant, told her to fuck off, she had me, left me there, was in care at the age of 9. Oh nice! I ran away from the normal life, I lived like a man, when Snakesz runs I run, when he fights, I fight. When he rests, I rests. He was my shield kinda thing, we didn't have a religion, well I did, but he told me to stop believing in it, this was the "real world" fair tales don't happen, your gun is your best friend, and you people can be a snake. I don't know what he rants about stuff, when he;s high it gets worse, and just like when your a mother and you feel to hold your child, he does that with his weapons, then rants on to it like it's a human. He needs to stop sniffing crack! I watched MTV and Nathan was shouting at some lil yute about riding his bike on the block, I looked it was his little cousin.

"AWWW!" I shouted. He saw me. He came in and hugged me.

"Helloo love, Nath stop being mean." I said and stroked his face, he was only like 7.

"AYE GO BACK TO YOUR MARJE! DON'T RIDE THE FUCKING BIKE HERE, BEFORE SOMEONE GRABS YOU!" He went and Nathan gave him some sweets and he was gone. He watched outside for abit, then closed the door, and dropped the tool and text Snakesz. It was a routine, dickheads. He sat next to me and I kissed his cheek, but no! Too busy texting his husband Snakesz.

"Nathan, can you put your fucking phone down." I said. He gasped and was walking off.

"One sec, why does these pricks think they can roll in like dat! Dickheads." He muttered going off. I lay there and groaned. I was watching rubbish on TV, I started laughing at some music video about stoosh chicks. Nathan came back in and was standing there looking down at me, I aired him and kissed my teeth.


"No fuck you, sometimes I wish Snakesz was on fucking Tesco mobile! So he can't get to you when we're jammin and dat, he's pissing me off!" He picked me up.

"Sorry!" I turned my head and he took me to his room and put me on the bed.

"Hol up on sec." He said and ran out the room, his phone. Snakesz. Dickhead. Rat. Prick! He came back after 10 minutes, and lay next to me. I aired him and he started kissing me.

"Oh now you wanna know me." He laughed and gave me the attention.

"Wait." I took his blackberry, and switched it the FUCK off! Fuck that, seriously. He laughed and we were lipsin for time. He started touching me, and it wern't weird, trust me the first time was weird. I nearly ran back to Snakesz'. It was normal now. He started fingering me, and he done it so quick and still made it nice, it hurt everytime he try adding another finger, but he forced it. I groaned to loud, he had to calm me down. He kissed me roughly, and lay there biting my neck, whilst his hands were up my skirt.

"Your coming aren't you." He said. I nodded and squeezed my eyes shut, because the last three times he did it, it was a lot. He moved his fingers back and the shot back in and my body had spasm attack, and I came. He paused and I opened my eyes, and he was grinning, he pulled his hands out and looked. I looked too, and was embarrassed.

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