Chapter 9

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Lisa's POV

As soon as I walked in the house, I just ran up to my room and just laid on my bed to where my face was facing my pillow and I heard someone come in
"Lisa" I heard Christina come in and I didn't even say anything back to her and she came and sit down next to me and started rubbing my back
"Do you want to talk about it" she said and I took a breath
"He used me Christina" I said and she gave me a look
"What did he do?" She asked and I sit up
"He only asked me out for a bet for 150 dollars" I said and her eyes went wide
"What?" She said and I nodded
"So this whole month been fake Christina, and I thought he was different" I said and she put her arm around me
"I'm sorry sis, you really liked him didn't you?" She said and I took a breath
"Yeah, I was really starting to fall for him" I said and started crying
"Shhh its okay" she said and I finally took a breath and calmed down after a couple minutes
"You know it's not my first heartbreak, I'll be okay, I just really wanna be alone right now" I said and she nodded
"That's fine sis" she said and she hugged me
"You know where I'll be at if you need me" she said and I nodded and she walked out of the room and I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face off and everything and I changed into my baggy clothes and I took my earphones and laid back on my bed, I don't know what the believe anymore, I feel I can't trust anyone anymore. I got up and walked downstairs to get some water and I heard Christina talking to Derek

Derek's POV
I left the banquet and drove straight to Lisa's house, once I got there I got out and went and knocked on the door and a girl with light brown hair answered
"Um hey, can I talk to Lisa?" I asked and she took a breath
"Are you Derek?" She asked and I nodded
"I dont think that's a good idea" she said and I gave her a look
"Please" I said and she gave a look
"Listen, I just picked my little sister up crying because of you" she said and I took a breath
"Listen I know I messed up, I messed up big" I said and she nodded
"Yeah, you did" she said and I took another breath
"But seriously, I really do like Lisa, I mean at first I was not expecting to like her, but it turns out she's everything I wanted, I know that bet was immature and cruel and I was not thinking but I did want to call it off but apparently it wasn't that easy, and I do not blame you or her one bit for being mad at me, but please, believe me when I say that your sister is the most amazing girl I have ever met" I said and she took a breath
"That was really sweet, but I'm not the one you need to talk too" she said
"So can I talk to Lisa?" I asked
"I don't think tonight is a good time, I think she needs some space tonight" she said and I nodded
"Fair enough have a good night" I said and she nodded
"You too" she said as she shut the door and I walked back to my car

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