His Promise (Thorin)

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You and Dis stand in front of the doors; you standing with your arms crossed over your chest tapping your foot and Dis standing with her hands on her waist, an angry look on her face. You sigh and place a hand on her shoulder, causing her to look up at you.
"Dis, I understand. You're angry, I am too, but Fili and Kili are both grown now.." You trail off, not wanting your sister in law to get mad at you too. She sighs in defeat.
"I know Y/N. I know. I just don't want my boys to be hurt, or Thorin for that matter. I understand that you are with child, but until you have that child, you can not understand the amount anger I posses at Thorin for taking my children on a quest that could get them killed." She tells you as the company of twelve dwarves turns the corner of the Blue Mountains.

You clear your throat, catching their attention. Fili and Kili both look up, as does Balin, Bombur, Dwalin and your husband, Thorin. Dis glares at her brother and her boys, your hand still on her shoulder. Thorin walks over to the both of you, his face straight.
"Thorin Oakensheild you WILL NOT take my boys on this foolish quest that will ultimately get you killed!" She exclaims, her voice getting higher and higher as she speaks. You rub her shoulder, trying to calm the raging women.
Thorin lowers his head in shame, knowing that she's right as she stalks off to hug her boys for the last time. You tear up as she tells Kili not to be reckless and Fili to watch out for his little brother.
Tears start streaming down your face when Balin steps up and reassures Dis that they both are in good hands.
Y/N.." Thorin starts but you cut him off.
"You will come back to me Thorin Oakensheild. You will. You will reclaim our home. I can not lose you, i have lost enough already. Promise me." You beg, tears falling faster.
"I cannot promise that I will be able to come back." He says, wiping your tears away, which causes more tears. You turn away, your E/C eyes blazing with anger and hurt. You couldn't imagine living without him. It was hard enough without your parents, but if you lost Thorin, you would die along side him.
"I know what would make you come back to me." You say, tears rolling down your face faster and faster.
Thorin looks at you questioningly. You give him a sad smile and place your hands on your flat stomach and his face lights up.
"We're going to be parents my darling." You said, making Thorin's face light up.
"I swear to you amrâlimê, I will come back."

Khuzdul translation
Amrâlimê- my love

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