Chapter 1

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Picture of Kirby


Kirby's POV

It's Monday morning I'm in bed still wondering if I should get up or not. I really don't feel like going to school today and getting beat up to the point I can't feel anything. But I mean who does.

"Kirby! Get ready for school! You're going to be late!" my mom yelled from the kitchen.

Well, I guess I have to go to school now. School is the worst.

I miss my best friends.

Ah. Speaking of them they just text me in a group chat. I hate group chat but whatever.

Group Chat:

Dex: Hey Kirb

Popp: Good Morning babycakes

                                        Hey Guys

Popp: Are we still up for this weekend. I mean it is our best friend anniversary!

Dex: Really? I thought it was the 30th

                                   Nope! We met on August 23rd 2007,  Kindergarten, At exactly 9:30a.m. on the school bus.

Popp: Damn! You know your shit Kirbs.

Dex: Well I feel bad.


Dex: Because you know everything that happened. The time, the place, when it happened and I can't even get the date right.

Popp: Oh honey, no don't beat yourself up for that. Tbh I thought we met in lunch.

Dex: Yea, but I still feel bad. So to make it up I'm paying for everything.

                                     Dex you can't pay for everything. We can pay for some of the stuff too.

Dex: Nope, totally paying for everything! End of conversation. I will see you two at school. Ok? My locker, be there.

Popp: Ok Mr. Pushy! I will see you guys later then.

                                 Lmao! Bye guys!

End of Group Chat

"Kirby Martin get your bunnybutt down here so you can eat!" my mom yells from the bottom of the stairs. Ever since I was born my mom called me bunnybutt because she says my bottom looks like a bunny's bottom. It's so embarrassing.

I walk downstairs with a yawn, my mom was in the kitchen fixing pancakes, eggs, and bacon, my favourite.

"Good Morning my little Bunnybutt." she says as I roll my eyes at her. "Mom I'm not five anymore you can't treat me like a kid. I'm 17 years old." I say in annoyance at my mom's amused expression.

"That doesn't mean you're still not my bunnybutt." She smile at me sweetly as I pout. She taps my bum as I walk to the table. I laugh and push her hand away. She is annoying sometimes but I love her so much.

"Hey there Bunnybutt." My dad says walking into the kitchen and ruffling my hair. I groan and push his hand away.

"I don't have a bunny's tush!" I yell as they both laugh. God I hate that nickname.

My two brothers come down stairs a little later after that. All dress for school and ready to go. They look the same, mostly because they are twins and they have to wear uniforms. But their hair is different. Ethan has blonde hair like my mom and I, when Matthew has black hair like my dad and my sister Simon.

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