Chapter 3

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Picture of Poppy


Poppy's POV

I really can't believe that bitch! Calling me a 'ghetto black whore'! First of all just because I talk ghetto doesn't mean I am ghetto.

Secondly she is making herself sound racist by calling me 'ghetto black' when you put those two words together and your white or any other race then you are the one that is racists.

And third I think she was more speaking of herself than about me when she called me a whore. I am no where close to one.

Anyways, I'm currently in class. My most favorite class but my least favorite teacher.

I want to be an artist/photographer. So right now I'm in art class but my teacher is my second most unlikable teacher. His name is Mr. Richard.

He is so irritating. Every-time I'm just a little bit louder than the other people that are already loud enough that the whole state of Florida can hear their conversation. But when I have to yell a little bit because my friends can't hear me, I'm the one who gets in trouble.

I yell at him back and tell him that the other kids are louder than I am. He says I shouldn't be talking anyways because "You can't concentrate on your art work and talk at the same time." he always acts like I give two shits about what he is saying.

"Hey Poppy, you ok? We have been trying to get your attention for the past 5 minutes now." My friend Sydney ask me looking confused. My other friends Ruby and Holly looking at me confused too.

"Ya, just spaced out." I smile at them in reassurance. "So what are you guys doing this weekend?" I question them, "Nothing for me" Holly says. "Ya not really anything special for me either." Ruby says shaking her head. "Well, I of course have rowing this weekend." Sydney said while shrugging her shoulders.

If you guys don't know what the hell that is, just like I didn't the first time she told me about it. It's basically people rowing a boat and doing exercise or something like that.

"Do you actually like that stuff?" I ask my athletic friend. "Yes Poppy for the hundredth time. I do like rowing." She says smiling at me. I just roll my eyes at her and say "You only like it because of those cute guys there." She looked at me in amusement, annoyance, and confusion, all at the same time. "No I don't. The guys there might be sexy but they also really annoying. Like this one name Tommy, h-...."

"Yea yea yea, we know you told us about him like 6 times already." Holly said sounding annoyed by her.

"Bitch. Shut up." Sydney said.

"Ok, Ok goddamn."

I just watch with amusement. "Ya right Syd. You act like you don't want to suck their faces off." I say looking at her with an eyebrow raise.

"I really don't want to. Thank you very much. Plus I would never do that to my dear Dakota." She tells us. I roll my eyes at her at the thought of her annoying, girly, and may I add perky girlfriend. She is so stupid too. I don't even think Sydney actually likes her like she says she does. Sorry 'loves'  her like she says she does.

"Oh my gosh! I hate that slut so much." Ruby says looking quite annoyed. "You're just jealous of our love." Sydney tells Ruby. Ruby looks at her like she has four heads.

"Honey, nobody cares about your relationship with your slut filled girlfriend." Ruby said even more annoyed.

"She is not a slut! She is just a little more perky than the other girls on the team. Which makes her seem like she is dumb and a slut." Sydney explains to us.

I have a girlfriend too but she is nothing like Dakota or any of the other girls on the cheerleading squad. She is not even on the squad. She hates  everything girly. She is a super tomboy, she is one of those girls who dress like dudes. But I like it, she is sexy like that to me. Anyways her name is Danielle but people call her Danny.

We have an amazing relationship. We have been dating for about 3 and a half years now.

"Well she is most definitely not like my baby." I tell them as they all nod in agreement.

"That's the damn truth. Danny is straight up the opposite." Holly says, "And that is one of the things I love about her. She is not a girly, perky, whore, like some girls." I explain and I see Sydney glare at me.

We hear the bell ring that dismiss us and leave our class to go home.

"Hey sexy." I turn my head as I'm walking to my locker and see Steven looking at me up and down.

I roll my eyes at him and try to walk away but he grabs my arm and pulls me back and kisses me on my lips. I'm so shocked I also forgot to push him away. So when I do I punch him so hard he falls back and lays right on his ass, with a bloody nose.

"What the fuck was that for?!" He yells at me as I walk away.

I get to my locker and I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I get a text from Danny to met her under the bleachers when I get out of the school. I text her back and tell her 'ok' before going out of the school and heading to the field and going under the bleachers.

"Hey baby, what's up?" I ask her she looks upset so I hug her. She is a little bit taller than me. "I uh saw you kiss him."

I froze in my spot and looked at her. She saw me kiss him? Does she mean she saw when Steven attack me with that nasty kiss?

"You mean when Steven kissed me in the hall just now?" I ask.

She nodded and looked even more upset.

"Danny do you know what happened after?" I asked her and she shook her head no.

"Well, I pushed him away and punch the shit out of that ugly fucker." She look up at me and smiled at me and hugged me tighter if that was even possible.

"I'm so happy! I thought you cheated on me. I'm so sorry." She said to me frowning.

"Hey, would I ever cheat on you?" I asked her. "No never. Just like I would never cheat on you." She said with a smile.

"See, I will never do you wrong." We laugh, I give her a peck before she walks me home hand and hand.

She lives down the street from my house so I watch her until she is safely home before I go inside my house.


'Hey Pops! What's up?' Kirby says while answering the phone .

"Nothing just wanted to ask you something important."

'No, I am not secretly a male stripper over night or a friend of a male stripper.'

"No not that, I wanted to ask you if it's true that you actually like Dexter." I try to say between laughs.

'Oh..oops! Well yea I guess.'

"And when were you going to plan to tell me this most definitely very important information."

'Uh.. I thought you already knew. You know from Monday.'

"Ya but I'm wasn't absolutely sure so I wanted to call you and ask before tonight."

'Wow, Ok I got to get ready for tonight so see you later'

"Ok, same for me too and make sure you wear your skinny jeans that make your bum look big."



'..Thanks bye'.

I laugh as he hangs up without letting me say a single word.

I get ready for tonight and head out, already knowing it is going to be a crazy night with my two best friends.


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