Chapter 26

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AN:/ hey guys I just want to let you guys know this story will be coming to an end soon. I'm working up to 28 chapters and then an Epilogue. Thank you all for reading my book, I really do appreciate it! Btw, sorry for any mistakes.


Kirby's P.O.V.

I waited until Steven walked back upstairs til I decided to escape from these crappy knots.

I hear the basement door close and I started untying myself.

It took awhile but no one came down. I finally got out and grabbed my gun that was on a table. I looked around and found a ladder leading up to this secret room. I walked around and looked down and saw where I was tied.

The wooden floors I was standing on were way to old and weak to hold me up for long. If I jump hard enough then I could break through the floors and land on Steven or Vincent's shoulders then pull the trigger on their head.

I stand there for awhile. I hear other voices up stairs and it has to be them trying to 'rescue' me.

They think I can't handle myself. Well let's see what they think whe-

I hear a gun go off and freeze in my spot. "He was stupid anyways. Come on guys. Let's go." I hear Vincent yell and I heard the basement door open.

I really hope that was Steven he was taking about. I get into position where I see Vincent looking for me. "Where the fuck did he go!?" He yelled.
That was my cue. I stomped with both of my feet and fell through the floorboards of the secret room and on to Vincent's shoulders, rapidly hiding in the head.

Until I finally pulled my gun out and shot him right in the side of his head.

We stay on the floor. My eyes slowly close as I see Dexter coming to me and picking me up off the ground while yelling to call an ambulance...


I woke up in a hospital bed. My head hurt like crazy and I checked my body and saw my bruises and cuts that Vincent and Steven gave me all wrapped up and my body feels better except for my head.

I reached over tried to press the button to call the nurse and that's when I noticed Dexter sleeping next to my bed in a chair.

"Dexter." I tried to wake him up but my throat was dry and he is a hard person to wake up.

I slapped his face a few times until he woke up.

"Hey baby. You're awake." Dexter laughed.

"Yea and so are you." I chuckled.

He leaned in and kissed me. When he pulled away he left me wanting more. "I'll go get the doctor." He said and started to walk away before I could pull him back.

He came back with the doctor and he told me I was free to go home after they took some test and stuff.

Before we left some police officers asked me some questions and told me that since it was self defense then I only have to go to court for some other stuff.

Either way I'm not going to jail. I know my parents would definitely do everything in their power to stop that from happening.

Dexter and I drove home in complete silence. I wasn't sure what to say and I guess he didn't either.

We got home and I was greeted by my family and friends waiting for us.

They touched my face and looked for any injuries and things but I laughed and gentle pushed their hands out of my face well telling them that I'm fine.

But I really wasn't. The guilt of killing someone was getting to me even if he was a bad guy and wanted to kill everyone I love but I still felt the guilt.

Poppy walked up to me and smacked the back of my head. "Don't you ever scared the shit out of me again." She started to cry and hugged me.

"Aww Pops. I'm sorry." I rubbed her back and couldn't stop the tears that was threatening to leave my eyes.

Dexter got in the hug and we had a moment.

All this stuff that has been going on must of been really hard with them to cope with.

Seeing them care so much if I get hurt or something bad happens to me shows me that even though Dexter and I are dating, that our friendship will never end and we all always be with each other.

What feels like hours but was actually a couple minutes we pulled away from each other. Each of us wiping our eyes and feeling embarrassed that we forgot other people were here.

We all ate dinner and went to bed. Poppy and Sydney went home along with the rest.

Dexter and I went up to the roof and decided to look at the stars before bed.

I laid down on Dexter's chest while he had his arm wrapped around me.

"Who the hell was that?" Dexter asked randomly.

"Vincent?" I asked back, confused on who he was referring to.

"No, I mean it's like you turned into this whole other person that I don't even know." He explained.

I don't really know how to answer to that. I've always been that way, but never showed until now. Being bullied by Steven and whoever else didn't like me just wasn't enough to actually bring out my bad side.

I just figured that I would go through the hell of high school and then get out, then when I finally do get out that's when the so called "bad side" of me would just kick in whenever something is wrong or isn't right.

That's what I ended up explaining to Dexter. He nodded his head like he understood me and looked back at the stars.

I showed named some constellations and then around midnight, we decided to head in to bed.

These past months have been the most hell for me but I can't help but think that they would have been even worse if Dexter wasn't there beside me.

"I love you." I confess honestly to him before he laid down beside me.

"I love you too, Kirb." His sincere smiled, made me kiss his soft lips with so much love.

He has changed my life around ever since I met him on that bus with Poppy. He has been there for me through so much shit and still managed to keep my spirits up. Dexter and Poppy were the light in my darkness and I loved him so much. More than they could ever know.

Even though Dexter and I are together, we will always be best friends and that's what keeps me going.

Just the three of us.

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