Chapter 12

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Kirby's P.O.V

Have you ever had the feeling when your being watched? Like, someone is following you everywhere you go? And you look back to see if there is anyone watching you but you see no one but you still have that feeling of someone's eyes digging in the back of your head trying to find something, that's just not there? Well, that's how I feel right now.

"Who are you looking for?" Dexter asked me, "Nothing it's just that I feeling like I'm being watched." I said to my now confused, and concerned boyfriend. "Don't worry, no one is going to hurt you on my watch." Dexter told me, protectively.

"Hello my hoes!" Poppy says coming up to our lunch table. We decided to eat inside today. So, we are kind of by ourselves.

There is only Poppy, Dexter, and I and some kids from the science club.

"Someone watching you, huh?" Poppy asked me probably hearing what we were talking about when she walked up.

"Yeah, I just have this feeling like I'm being watched everywhere I go, like right now." I explain to her.

"Mhm. Well, I honestly think it's the Gomezes, but you know I could be wrong." She casually said, and I for one don't know if I should agree with her on that. Now, Poppy has many theories and most of the time they are at least 80% right but this one is a little iffy if you ask me. I mean why would those bucket heads go threw all that trouble watching me. What did I do to them that was so wrong that it caused them to stalk me?

"Are you sure about that one Pop? I mean why would they go all through that. Doesn't really make any sense. Plus, I feel eyes on me right now and it's only us and the science club." I explained, to the now standing girl in front of me.

"Come with me. I will show you the magic of my theories." Poppy says walking to the science geeks on the table a couple of rows down from ours.

"Well, if it isn't Vincent Grey!" Poppy shouted at the president of the club.

"It's not Grey." He said fixing his glasses on his nose.

"It's not?" Poppy asked with a confused expression.

"No it's Charles."

"Oh. I swear I thought it was Grey. Well , sorry." Poppy laughed.

It suddenly got really awkward until Poppy couldn't take it anymore.

"Ok, whatever! Vincent can you help us with something important?" Poppy asked.

"Ok, I will help you if I get something in return." He answered.

"What is it then!? Spit it out!" Poppy pushed him for answers.

He shrugged, I guess not knowing what he wants.   

This is hopeless.

"Oh. My. God! Charles just tell is!" Poppy shouted and hit the table making Griffin scream. He is the vice president of the club.

"Wait, I'm not going to trust this guy until I find out something first." Dexter said slowly walking up to him and standing over top of Vincent.

What the hell was he doing?

"So, tell me Vincent," Dexter paused and looked at me, "How do you feel about Kirby and I's relationship?" He asked.

"I saw that coming." Vincent said rolling his eyes, and putting his hand on Dexter's shoulder.

"Dex, I don't give a fuck who you people date. I don't think your relationship is wrong. Two guys dating? So, what?" Vincent stated.

"Good answer Vincent." Dexter said.

"You're so extra." I said, he just shrugged.

"Ok, Vinny. Do you know what you want so we can wrap this up? Poppy asked.

"Yes, I want Dexter to tell his friends to stop picking on my friends and I and I want Kirby to help with the club's up coming debate. And as for you Ms. Johnson, I want you to stop messing with my hair all the time." Vincent told us.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! I said 'one' thing that we need from you and in return you get 'one' thing back! Not three individual ones." Poppy argued with him.

"No. See I know that, that 'one' thing is going to be a big thing. So, since all three of you need my help with that one BIG thing. I want three smaller things in return." Vincent explained it to Poppy.

"Ok, this the first part of the 'one big thing' we need you to do," Poppy whispered to Vincent, "I believe that someone in your club is watching Kirby and trying, to get something out of him." Poppy explained while walking him away from the table.

Gosh, I just want to go home and sleep already.

"So, what do you want me to do about it?" Vinny asked.

"I want you to watch around all your nerdy friends and have two suspects written done and given to me by the 20th. So, that gives you six days to find out who they are between those four guys." Poppy whispered the plan to him.

"Sounds good I guess. As long as I get my half of the deal." Vincent agreed. "Yea, yea, yea, you'll get it." Poppy told him ruffling his hair. "Hey! We had a deal! No, touching the hair." Vincent whinned while pushing her hand away.

"Nope! We haven't shook on it yet. So, I have to get in the good ones now." Poppy says messing with his hair some more.

"Ok! Ok! You had your fun now lets shake on it then." Vince told her, sticking out his hand for her to shake.

She took it with a smile.

"Alright, it's either, Griffin, Oscar, Walter, or Parker." Poppy gave him the opinions.

"Wait, why would any of them want to watch Kirby?" Vincent asked pointing to me.

"They are doing it for the Gomez kids." Poppy said. "Oh, I hate them. We are so going to find out who is watching him." He said glaring at the club.

"Aren't those your friends V?" Dexter asked.

"Not really. We just hang out together in this club." Vincent explained.

"Good Vinny! That's the spirit. Oh! And I need there last names too." Poppy told Vincent.

"Why?" He asked Poppy slapped him in the back of his head. "Because I can't just tell the police their first name now can I? Stop asking questions and just give them to me." She demanded.

"Ok, Griffin Murphy, Oscar Thomas, Walter Peterson, Parker Sheldon." Vincent finished while Poppy wrote them down.

"Thanks,Vince. I will text you if if we need anything." Poppy thanked him and we walked back to our table.

"Alright my babes I have to meet Bubba in the library so I see you guys later." Poppy said while she hugged us and left.

"Bubba?" I asked Dexter.

"That's what she calls Syd." He explained to me.

"Oh." I mumbled.

"Kirb, you ok?" He asked me hugging my waist, and putting his head on my shoulder.

"Yea, I'm good." I lied which didn't feel good at all, honestly. I didn't like lying to him but I wasn't ok with someone watching me and my every move. It's scaring. But I don't want him to worry.

"Are you sure? Because you seem upset about something." He asked worriedly.

"Baby, I'm ok, really! Wow, I have to get to class, I will see you at home." I said while kissing his lips and starting to walking out the lunch room.

I really wasn't "ok". I wasn't "good".

Right now I was just...



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