Chapter 1.

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I didn't usually go to London.

As a small town girl I preferred the countryside, or towns of a size I could handle. London was the mother of all towns, and honestly I could have done without the trip.

However, being in the working world comes with obligations, so I kept my focus on the mission at hand: attending an event for specialty stores.

I worked in a bookstore in a cozy town far away from London. You'd think my boss would have gone, but he's a "special" kind of guy. He hates travel, loves order, and would rather hide away in his office than deal with anyone. I understood him as I am also a huge introvert.

Pen and paper at the ready, I took notes, collected brochures, and talked with people at various stands to make sure I did my duty well. By the end of it I was tired and very ready to go home.

Only the tube and one train ride were separating me from my bed.

"Excuse me" I almost whispered as I tried to get past a group of people blocking the train door. All I wanted was to find somewhere I could sit on my own and recover from all of this social activity. Thankfully, I found my joy at the back of the train where I slouched in a four seat section completely alone. It wasn't long before sleep found me.

The voice on the tannoy rudely awakened me from my slumber at the stop before mine. Grabbing my belongings, I realized I'd almost forgotten my phone on the seat. That would have been a tragedy as it contained all of my secrets. Slipping it into my pocket, I thought nothing of it until I took it out that night, realizing that instead of one phone I had two.

And one of them wasn't mine.

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