Chapter 13.

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"Let's do a sort of sleepover thing tonight" I suggested after another day of activity with Jay, including having gone to Edinburgh.

"Okay. I'm not feeling tired anyway."

We maneuvered his bed couch into my room and settled ourselves in there with snacks.

"Do you think that you and the boys will ever get back together?"

"Maybe. To be honest I'm not sure, but I'm not against it. Right now they're busy with their wives or girlfriends."

"What about you? Seeing anyone?"

"Nah. If it happens, it happens. I'm not specifically looking for it. I go on a couple of dates here and there. And you?"

"Nope. Nothing on the horizon."

"Well hopefully it happens soon."

"To be fair I doubt that but who knows? It could happen. I'd have to make more friends first though" I laughed.

Jay smiled. "I think you're a steal. Someone will snatch you up before you even know it."

"Thanks James" I blushed, "you're so sweet."

After that the topic changed to our families and our past love life (or lack thereof in my case). Jay's family sounded nice, and he seemed interested in mine. It took me way back to my school days. He then told me all about his band days and the boys and I began to feel excited at the prospect of meeting the others.

"I'm getting tired now" I yawned. "You know, before you leave, there's one last thing I'd like you to do."

"What is it?"

"I want you to sing for me."

"Like a personal jukebox? Okay" he laughed.

I settled down and expected him to sing. He cleared his throat and launched into Heart Vacancy.

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