Chapter 20.

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When we got there my brother Tom was waiting to pick us up. I introduced them both and helped settle Laila in.

"Are you sure I'm not bothering your brother? I mean he already has his girlfriend here."

"It's okay, I'll sleep on the sofa."

"Really? Because it is kind of your place too."

"Stop stressing!" I laughed. "It's all sorted."

"Okay" she said doubtfully but put her stuff down.

That evening we played games until she got tired. She told me she really liked my brother, which I was happy about.

"Night Jay" she yawned. "You should sleep too."

"Okay mum" I chuckled. Laila ruffled my hair and went upstairs into the guest bedroom.


The next day Jay took me to all his old haunts. I also got to see some monuments and visit Sherwood forest. When he took me to see his old school, he told me about being bullied. It seemed that we both had had the same experience of school.

"I got bullied because I was always different and always the new girl. I moved loads when I was small. After a while I just came to expect it."

"It gets better though, I mean my story turned itself around."

"That it did" I smiled. "But it doesn't work out that way for everyone." We sat in silence for a while until I felt Jay's hand on mine.

"It can, if you want it to."

"You're oddly perceptive for a guy, I've got to say."

Jay laughed. "I guess that's a good thing? It's useful in any case."

"It is a good thing. You're a good friend."

"So are you Laila. In just a couple of months it's crazy how close we've become."

"I know right, I didn't expect it."

We continued walking and decided to have a big night in with Chinese food and games up in my room.

Jay set up a camp bed and we chilled up there, laughing and joking with each other. Tom and his girlfriend were out at a restaurant.

"Hey Laila, can I ask you something?"


"Do you like Nathan?"

I nearly choked on my drink. "Um I guess?"

"I mean like like."

"I don't know...why the sudden questions?"

"I just couldn't help but notice how close you guys have become."

"Well, I've only just met him."

It was such a weird thing for Jay to ask, and by the sound of his voice I'd say he sounded...jealous?

"Okay. Just wanted to know."

"You know you're not going to lose me as a friend right? Because if you don't want me to talk to Nathan I won't."

"No it's okay. Thanks Laila."

He seemed a bit distant so I hugged him from behind, resting my head on his shoulder. "You're not mad at me are you?"

"Of course not" he replied softly. "I'm just looking out for you."

"I really don't want to lose you James" I mumbled and he turned around so we were facing each other.

"You won't." He put his hand on my cheek and then pulled me into a hug.



I could hear his chest rumble as he spoke and I let out a small sigh, content to stay this way. I looked up at Jay and he looked at me, both of us lost for a minute. In that moment, I found myself wanting more. I wanted him to kiss me.

The thought disturbed me. I couldn't want to kiss my best friend! Jay rested his forehead on mine and kissed me on the cheek. The urge was strong to turn my head and kiss him but was that a good idea? I didn't know.


I wanted to kiss her. I wasn't thinking anymore, I just wanted what I wanted. I really liked Laila, and since she'd been here with me I was beginning to feel more.

We were still there with our foreheads together, and I gently pressed my lips against hers. We moved together, but before we could do anything more we heard the door close. Tom was home.

We sprang apart in an instant, Laila getting into her bed. I got into the camp bed and we both listened as Tom and Kayleigh spoke softly, thinking we were asleep. They eventually went to bed and I sighed with relief.


She didn't answer; she was fast asleep. She looked adorable lying there, and it made me realize that things had truly changed for me. That's why I didn't want Nathan in the way. I dared to hope that she felt the same.

The next day when I woke up Laila was already awake, lying on her bed, deep in thought. I watched her for a while as she hadn't noticed me yet, but eventually I yawned and stretched out.


"Morning Jay."

"Do you want breakfast?"


I got up to fix some, wondering what on earth to say to her about last night. I felt kind of embarrassed, but I liked it. I wasn't sure what she thought though.

"Here you go."


We ate in silence, both of us not sure of what to say.

"Listen Laila, about last night..."

She looked at me, her face not showing any particular emotion. "I don't know what to say."

"Me neither."

"What do you want us to do now?"


"No, about us."

"Well we're still friends aren't we? So we continue that way."


She smiled and patted the bed, signaling that she wanted me there. Throwing me a controller, she said "best of three?"

"You're on."

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