Chapter 15.

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When I awakened, I could smell food but Nathan wasn't in the kitchen. Following the sound of music, I found him in his home studio, working on a song.


"Oh hi there Laila. Did you sleep well?"

"Yep! You have one of the most comfortable mattresses I've ever slept on."

He smiled. "I'm glad. I left you breakfast in the kitchen."

"I know, I saw it thanks. What are you working on?"

"Just a song for my new album. I've thought of the words, just looking for a melody now."

"Can you show me how you write a song? I've always wanted to know."

Nathan invited me to sit next to him on the piano bench and went through everything with me, even showing me some things on the piano. I was struck with how talented he was.

"Later on we'll go out and I'll show you some stuff, okay? Just finishing up here first."

"Alright, I'll go shower."

After my shower I slipped on a black floral top and jeans with black converse, keeping it casual. We both got into Nathan's car and he took me around Gloucester, showing me the places he grew up in as well as places of interest.

"I like this place" I declared when we took a seat in a park. "Seems like a nice place to grow up."

"It was. What about you Laila? Where are you from? Jay hasn't told me that much about you apart from how you met."

"Well, I'm 21 and I'm from Aberdeen. Currently I live in Sandyport on the borders of Scotland, and I work in a bookstore."

"Okay. It's so weird that you guys met through a lost phone."

"I know right, but I don't regret it. James is a good friend."

"Did you freak out when he told you who he was?"

"A little. I was more surprised that he was bothering to talk to me."

"Why not? You're a great listener, I can tell."

Nathan smiled and I couldn't help but notice his eyes, which were really quite beautiful. I love blue/green eyes.

"You can tell within a day?"

"Yep! You're a person of few words but that's a good quality."

"I'm happy that you think so. That's not what I usually hear" I laughed.

"Hey Nath?"


"What made you want to live here? Wouldn't it be more practical for you to live closer to London?"

"It would be, but I want to be close to my family and friends. Touring with The Wanted made me realize just how important it is to have people who keep you grounded. What about you? What made you want to live in Sandyport?"

"Well I wanted to do the job, and I like how isolated it is. It allows me to be alone."

"You like being alone?"

"Yes. That way no one bothers me and I don't have to deal with anything."

"Don't you get lonely?"

"Sometimes. But I have Jay now."

"And me. We can be friends too."

He lightly squeezed my hand and we set off again.

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