Chapter Twenty Six

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So today was Thursday, the day before Izzy and Alison's planned wedding date, well that was until they had to postpone it for another week. So their wedding was suppose to be next Friday, depending if they decide to change it or not again. Walking out into the kitchen, I spotted Izzy and Alison sitting at the bench. They were both writing on what looked to be wedding invitations. Wow, wasn't it pass the point of writing out invitations? That was something that you usually did months in advance, even a year in advance. Not in their case. Peeping over Izzy's shoulder, I noticed that the wedding invitations were quite unique. They were only small, but they were literally covered in roses and skull patterns. Personally? I thought they were the best thing ever. Never had I seen anything like it. Surely it had to be custom made.

"Ghee, I love the invitations." I took a step to one side and placed one hand onto Alison's shoulder and my other hand on Izzy's shoulder.

"Thanks, pretty unique aye?" Alison looked over her shoulder and gave me a smirk.

All at once I felt my mind scatter to the night before, it was very hazy but I did remember certain things about the night. One was what Axl did, which I wasn't game enough to admit to Duff and the other was what I witnessed happening in the lounge room. I couldn't help but giggle. The fact that Izzy asked me to join, it was something I will never forget.

"What's so funny?" Asked Alison. She had put her pen down and turned her full attention to me. Even Izzy took a moment to turn his attention as well.

"Uh nothing." I shook my head, continuing to giggle. Turning away from the pair, I was about to walk away, but Izzy spoke.

"Shelia, I know enough about you to know it is never nothing you laugh at." Izzy murmured. "So again, what's so funny?"

"Oh it was just something I remember from last night." I shrugged turning my attention back to the pair. "Just remember seeing you two butt naked, in doggy style fucking on the lounge." I stopped just to see their expressions. Alison looked embarrassed, but Izzy simply smirked. "Oh! I almost forgot!" I smirked. "Izzy also invited me to take off my clothes and join you both, Ali you thought it was the best idea ever."

Alison face went dark red and Izzy seemed a little surprised. "Also by the way, I rejected the offer." I patted both of them on the shoulder before walking away and towards the lounge room. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to sit on that lounge. Just as I got to the lounge room, I stared at the specific lounge that Alison and Izzy screwed on the night before. I wasn't even sure if I was game enough to take a seat. The thoughts rushing through my head, I felt disgusted by it. Repelled even. Hearing something fall behind me and fast breathing, I turned to see Duff standing there behind me. His expression was pure terror, the tears were rolling down his cheeks and he looked completely out of it. His breathing wasn't normal and it sounded like he was hyperventilating.

"S-Shelia!" He cried out, barely able to speak because he was breathing so hard and so incredibly fast.

"Duff!" I rushed over to him, the worry washing through me. I had never seen him like this, nor did I know what was wrong. Just before I could lay a hand on him, he fell to the ground in a rigid kind of way.

Right at that very moment, Izzy came around the corner with a worrisome look. "Oh shit." He made a run for it, pass Duff and I and up the stairs.

Dropping down to the ground, I tried to wrap my arms around him and soothe him. I didn't know what else to do. He clearly wasn't injured, but there was something incredibly wrong.

"Duff! Try and slow your breathing down." I instruct, still with him held in my arms. I could barely keep myself calm at this rate, I was so scared as to what was wrong with him, I felt myself beginning to panic.

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