Chapter Thirteen

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Shelia's POV:

"Are we here?" I questioned, feeling as if we had come to a stop. Turning my head to look at Duff, I noticed him looking out the window.

"Yeah we're here." Duff answered, shuffling to the door as the friendly limousine driver opened it.

As Duff got out, I followed behind him. Once he was out, he turned back to me and held out his hand for me to grasp. Assisting me out, when I got to my feet, we stood there for a moment looking at the driver.

"Thanks Duff." I smiled, having to look up to look at him. Sometimes I forgot how tall he was, even my heels didn't seem to do much, still with them on, my head was at Duff's neck, so there was still a foot or more before I could actually be at eye level. I wasn't very tall, nor was I short, I was five foot eight.

"Thanks Geoffrey." Duff thanked the driver by shaking his hand.

"See you two a bit later. Enjoy yourself." The driver, Geoffrey, shut the door as we began to walk off towards the pub. Screams began to sound as girls were beginning to run towards us to Duff. There was also cameras flashing hurting my eyes. Wow, so this is what famous people have to put up with? I'd hate to be famous.

It took an effort, but when we finally managed to push through the crowd of girls and escape the camera flashes, we were finally inside the pub and standing at the bar.

The whole time, Duff and I continued to hold hands, which really had me in awe. The only time he actually let go was when the barmaid came over to us.

"What would you like to drink?" Duff asked, looking down at me with a questioning expression.

"Oh! Don't worry about me, I'll pay for my own." I shook my head.

"Sorry beautiful, the last time I recalled, we are on a date. I'm paying." He smirked, snaking his arm around my waist for a moment.

"But Duff." I moaned, I really felt bad.

"Baby, don't worry! It's not as if I am short of money! Now, what do you want?" Duff asks again, still looking so incredibly sweet.

"A beer, Corona or something." I answered, turning away from Duff and taking in the details of the pub.

It wasn't a very big place, but it was rather roomy. From where we entered, there is two pool tables to the right, surrounding them was about four tall round tables with stools at each. To the left from the entry was the bar Duff and so were standing at. Going straight ahead, there were tables and chairs everywhere, there were even stools right at the bar. The atmosphere of the pub was really friendly and the music playing from the jukebox made it seem even better. Creedence Clearwater.

"Hey," Duff murmured, catching me attention as he held a stubby of Corona in front of me.

"Thanks." I gave him a smile.

"Hold up." Duff chuckled, grabbing something from the barmaid before tuening back to me. "Your lemon, beautiful." Duff held out a sliced bit of lemon to put into the Corona.

"Thanks." I take the lemon from his grasp and I push it into the neck of the bottle, until it fell into my beer.

With an arm wrapped securely around my waist, Duff and I walked up the pub and headed pass most tables and chairs. Eventually we arrive by a small stage, right in the centre out the front of the stage was a round table with what looked to be two lounge chairs on either side. There were only half a dozen tables with chairs like that, so I was a little surprised we had managed to score the 'perfect' spot.

"So, who are we seeing?" I asked Duff, taking a seat in the leather lounge chair.

"That is for me to know and for you to find out." Duff placed his stubby on the table before digging into his leather jacket. Pulling out a packet of cigarettes, it took him a moment to pick one from the packet before chucking it back into his jacket.

Infatuated With You (Guns N' Roses - Duff McKagan)Where stories live. Discover now