Chapter Fifty Six

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Sitting on the small hill on the side of the oval, I watched as Duff played football alongside some old schoolmates and other men he had obviously just met today. There were about fifteen men on each team, obviously there were two teams and the way they all decided to distinguish the difference between the teams was by 'shirts' and 'no shirts'. Duff just happened to be in the 'shirts' team and I was a little disappointed, as I wouldn't have minded seeing him play without one. But regardless, Duff still looked as good as ever in his army green shirt and a black pair of footy shorts.

Unlike earlier, Duff had his hair up in a low ponytail, which kept his blonde locks from annoying his face and eyes. Where did he get the hair band from? Myself, luckily I had one around my wrist at the ready. Turns out, cutting off the circulation to your hand by a hair band was worth it all along. Only took like fifteen years for it to come in handy.

"Oh my god." I heard a woman's voice from behind me. "Is that who I think it is?" The same voice spoke again.

"That's Duff!" Another woman's voice spoke. "Fuck he's lookin' real good since I last saw him."

Seconds later, multiple women sat all around me and beside me. All of which kind of reminded me of broke barbie-doll want-to-be's. They all had perfectly straight or perfectly permed hair, with extravagant makeovers and very revealing outfits. Surely they didn't normally watch football games in what they were wearing and how they were looking. In saying that though, it wasn't like there were any big shopping centres in a walking distance from where we were located. Maybe they generally came down for a look, or it was a ritual to pick up guys, or they were partners of some of the guys playing on the field.

"You have the best view here." One woman nudged my side with her abnormal length finger nails.

I just nodded my head in agreement, continuing to watch my man play the game.

"Duff's band has gotten pretty famous now hey." One of the women around me spoke. "You think he is making big bucks?"

"Oh fuck yeah! They toured with Mötley fuckin' Crüe, of course he would be fucking rich." They continued to talk around me about Duff. "Wouldn't mind welcoming him to my jungle, if you know what I mean."

I tried to keep a straight face, especially since they were talking about Duff around me, but with what she had said, it was repulsive. I wasn't much of a waxer or shaver for my pubic region, but christ I did not want to hear something like that.

"Kristen, you are a disgrace." A woman to my left spat. "You know very well, Duff would fuck me over you."

"Don't be a bitch." Another argues.

Feeling someone tap me on the shoulder, I turned my attention back to a woman who looked like she could be loosely related to Demi Moore. "You don't talk much." Was all she said, as if we had been hanging out for the last couple of hours together.

I just shrugged my shoulders and nodded my head again, not wanting to talk to them. Especially if I didn't have to.

"What do you think of Duff? He's the sexy tall blonde in green." The woman to my right questions.

I opened my mouth to speak but I wasn't sure what to say, I mean he was my fiancé. It was none of their business knowing that though. So closing my mouth again, I simply smiled and allowed them to continue talking in amongst themselves.

"Aww, she wants to fuck him too. How sweet." Another one of the women snorted. "He would totally take me over any of you guys, even if he had a girl."

Now I couldn't stand that, it pissed me off. Not only because of the way they spoke of him (like he was a piece of meat) but because of how they assumed he would have sex with anything he laid eyes on. Duff wasn't like that and he wouldn't do anyone else, I was his fiancé after all.

Infatuated With You (Guns N' Roses - Duff McKagan)Where stories live. Discover now