Chapter Fifty Nine

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The drive to Sacramento wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, Duff cracked jokes for half of the day, which took my thoughts off of Slash. Finding a motel that night though? It was hard, as it turned out, we were just two days off of Christmas Eve and apparently everyone wanted to stay in every accommodation available. So Duff and I? We did something that was probably very stupid on our part. We filled ourselves with a lot of caffeine and sugar and drove all the way to Los Angeles. It was around three in the morning that we got to the house and boy were we completely exhausted.

By the time we got up to the bedroom, we had realised we had forgotten to take our suitcases out of the car. There was no chance of us going back down to collect them either, we were going to bed, even if that meant without a shower. Despite how stupid it was for us to drive all that way in one day, it was a relief to be home early. So by the time late morning came, Duff and I were up and adam and enjoying a shower before we made an effort to go out and see everyone, including our boy, Harley. God knows, maybe no one was home. I mean, Izzy and Alison had moved out. Maybe Steven and Ivory were going to do the same or already have. Maybe Slash had found a girl and was sleeping over at hers and well, that only left Axl. As for Harley? I assumed one of the guys was still looking after him, considering I hadn't heard a noise of a dog at all.

"I don't have any clothes." I state, standing in Duff's bedroom, only wearing a towel. "I'll be back soon, just going back to my room." I head over to the bedroom door as Duff continued to do whatever he was doing in the bathroom.

Leaving the bedroom and walking out into the hallway, I was instantly greeted by Slash. He looked pretty rough around the edges, but he had a million dollar smile which seemed to brighten my day a little more.

"Shelly, you're back." Slash ripped me into a tight hug, something I returned. I missed the curly haired guitarist, him and his sweet friendliness. I guess I was a lot closer to Slash than I thought, considering I probably missed him the most out of everyone. "How was your vacation?" He urged as we pulled back from our hug.

As I was about to answer, I felt my towel drop just below my breasts. My face turned bright red and I scrambled to pull the towel back up. During this time, Slash's eyes grew wide and he could barely hold his attention on my face, it was a clear struggle.

"Sorry." I exclaimed feeling beyond embarrassed. Well, I didn't know whether I would tell Duff about Slash getting another eyeful from me. It was probably safer not to mention it at all. "Guess you got more than what you bargained for?" I tried to crack a joke, just to ease my embarrassment.

"If you want to drop the towel a little more, I won't tell anybody." Slash chuckled, his dark brown eyes sparkling.

"You'd really like that, wouldn't you?" I poked my tongue out at him, watching him laugh a little more.

"Hell yeah, I don't discriminate." Was his answer.

I couldn't hold back my own laughter, as I wasn't sure if he was being serious or just pulling my leg, either way it made me feel better.

"So whatcha doing?" Slash asked, looking me up and down. "Aside from flashing me your boobs."

"I was going to get dressed, I have no clothes in Duff's room." I reply, deciding to walk around Slash and head to my own room.

"Can I join you? I really wanna hear about everything you guys got up to." Slash followed eagerly.

I wasn't really sure on letting Slash into my bedroom as I planned on getting dressed, but I figured it was okay, I would just get dressed in the bathroom. There was nothing wrong with us talking, well I didn't see any harm.

"Can you keep your eyes closed?" I turned to Slash as I opened my door.

"I dunno, Shell. That sounds like it would ruin it for me, I mean, I actually came to watch you get dressed." Slash joked with a chuckle.

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