Chapter Sixty

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Christmas and New Years and more months flew by a lot faster than what I realised. Duff, Harley and I had moved out of the big house and moved into an apartment just off of the sunset strip. Since moving out, things with Duff had calmed down and he appeared not as angry as he had been, but still he was just different. Ever since we got engaged, he was acting entirely different. I had no idea what it was, so I tried not to read into it. Especially when we had managed to get me on a working visa and were looking towards what things we needed to do in ordered for me to become a resident, or even a citizen. Even if that meant I had a dual citizenship.

On the day of the fight between Slash and Duff had ended up with Duff sleeping alone that night. I wasn't spending the night with him, not after his behaviour and how he treated Slash. That really hit Duff where it hurt, because he spent a lot of the night begging at my bedroom door. It hurt me to leave him like I did, but he deserved it and he had to learn his lesson. Now though, things were going well. Duff was back in the studio with the band, recording new material for their upcoming album. I was working at a local mechanics, which I absolutely loved doing. And Harley? He was growing fast, I didn't think puppies grew up so damn fast! So everything seemed nice. The only issue though? Duff's alcohol problem. He was getting worse with the amount of booze he would consume daily. One day, I was sure I had seen him with four separate bottles of vodka, all of which were a litre in size. I tried not to talk about it though, to prevent anymore fighting and arguments, that was how I was keeping the peace, despite I wasn't okay with him doing what he was doing. Plus, we had to try and prevent any arguing between Duff and I, as Harley got very protective of me and would go and bite Duff's shin if he thought Duff was going to hurt me in anyway. It was sweet, but I was scared he would get hurt - not intentionally of course.

Sitting in the auto shop with a banana in hand as I flicked through a magazine, I heard the phone on the wall ring and I let out a sigh. Duff had rung me three times already and I had been at work for about six hours, so I had a fair idea that was him calling again, updating me on how fucked up Steven was. I loved how much he wanted to talk to me, but I was starting to get a bit frustrated with him. Duff was going to be the reason I lose my job, if I do. I wasn't at work getting paid to talk on the phone to loved ones, I was getting paid to fix cars - my job.

"Shelia, it's for you.. again." Jason, the apprentice called out.

Letting out a groan, I got to my feet and walked over to the phone. I only had an hour to go for work and I didn't feel like having more phone calls, but I was being good and seeing who it was, just in case it wasn't Duff.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone, waiting to hear who was on the other end.

'Hey babe, it's me.' Duff spoke on the other end.

"Hey Duff, you are aware that I work right?" I questioned him with a sigh.

'I know babe, but I just wanted to talk to you. I miss you.' He murmured on the other end of the phone.

It wasn't every day that Duff did this, it was every couple of days, especially on those days where he was recording. I guess he was somehow still adjusting to me not being around 24/7 and I guess his alcohol problem was another factor to his behaviour at the moment.

"I miss you too and I'll be seeing you soon." I reassured him. "But I have to get back to work."

'Okay babe.' Duff moaned with a disappointed tone. 'I love you.'

"I love you too, bye Duff." I hung up the phone and went to walk away, but the phone began to ring again.

If this was Duff, I was going to be having a serious conversation when I got home with him. Because this was way too much.

Infatuated With You (Guns N' Roses - Duff McKagan)Where stories live. Discover now