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"What? How long did you say?"

"Uh, an hour?"

"Fine. It shouldn't take that long in the hovercraft."

"Um... About that... It's in the shop."

"What?!" Drakken winced at the sound of her raised voice.

"The brakes weren't working properly, so I took it into the shop." 

"So, we're stuck with that hunk of junk you call, a car?!" She started towards him, and lit her hands up with green plasma. As she was stalking, angrily towards him, the light from the plasma on her hands, glinted off of Drakken's wide eyes. He was about to cover his face with his hands, when the vines from his neck darted out and wrapped around her wrists. She struggled to get free, but the vines held her to tightly. "DRAKKEN." She said coldly. "Let. Me. Go." She looked at him darkly. 

Drakken opened his mouth to tell the flower to let go of the enraged woman in front of him, but stopped.

"What are you waiting for?! I said, let me go!" She snarled through clenched teeth.

"No." Drakken said quietly looking down. 

"Excuse me?!" She said startled, but still angry. 

Drakken gulped, nervously. "I-I said... No."

"Why NOT?! She yelled even more enraged.

He stood up from his chair. "Shego, if I let you go, we both know what will happen. You'll attack me, and I'll end up with cuts and bruises. You treat me like I'm your personal punching bag." Shego looked at him with eyes that showed a touch of regret for a split second. They turned back to narrowed, angry, eyes as she glared at the blue man before him. "I'm sorry Shego, but I can't trust you to keep calm." He looked at her with an apologizing gaze. 

Shego forced herself to take a couple of, deep breaths and to calm down. "Alright. I'm calm. Can you let me go, now?" He acknowledged her calmer posture. 

"Flower. Let her go now." The vines unwound from her with lightning speed and snapped back to his neck making his body jolt forward. Shego then lit her hands back up and put her fiery hands in his face. He leaned back and stared at her with, wide eyes. 

"You came this close to a broken limb." She said dangerously with her fingers centimeters away from each other, as she represented how close he had been from a trip to the emergency room. 

A Forgotten Love A D/S fanficWhere stories live. Discover now