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Drakken dropped to his knees with a lifeless expression on his face, ignoring all the glass. Shego. The vines slowly creeped out of his neck and into the car. They wrapped around her and slowly lifted her out of the car and into Drakkens arms. She was barely breathing and had glass shards in her light green face. Drakkens arms started to shake and his body shuddered so hard, he was afraid he would drop her. Tears fell from his eyes as he started to sob. Wet spots appeared on Shego's face, mingling with the blood. "Shego! No! Don't go! I need you!" Her lifeless body slumped in his arms. He stood up still sobbing and he was having a hard time trying to keep breathing. Her dark black hair hung over one blue arm and he started to yell at the cars passing by. "Help me! Please! She might die! I need help!" He screamed. The cars kept driving, and not one person even glanced at him. 

"So what are you up to now  Dra-" Kim Possible appeared behind him from a helicopters rope and Ron appeared beside her. They took in the scene before them. A destroyed car, Shego lifeless in his arms, and Drakken sobbing harder than ever.

"Help me! We got in a car crash, and she's hurt! Please, she can barely breathe!" He said turning to them. "I'll go to prison for the rest of my life, just please... Help her... I'm begging you." 

"We have to get her to the Upperton hospital. Get in the helicopter." Kim said pointing to the rope. Ron stared in shock, and Rufus popped out of his pocket, and looked at the sad scene on the road. "Here, let me help with She-" Kim held out her arms to help but Drakken turned. 

"I- I got her." He said and held her with one arm, while using the other to climb the ladder. He wasn't used to carrying heavy objects and had a hard time, but he made it to the helicopter door. He slid it open and got inside in one of the seats. The man driving the helicopter was shocked that the villains that he had dropped off Kim and Ron to defeat, had just climbed aboard. Kim appeared at the doorway and explained everything to him, while Ron took a seat opposite of Drakken. He opened his mouth and then closed it.  Drakken wouldn't have heard him anyway. He was just focused on the green skinned woman, who was barely breathing in his arms. Tears were still sliding down his cheeks and he was still shaking. 

He raised a shaking hand and pushed a lock of hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. "Stay with me." He whispered, as he begged her to stay alive. "Just hold on."

A Forgotten Love A D/S fanficWhere stories live. Discover now