Car Crash

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Drakkens vines pushed up on the door allowing just enough room for him to crawl through. He had a few bad scratches but was otherwise, ok. The semi truck had stopped just before it could crush them to death beneath it's wheels. Drakken was stunned for a moment, but he managed to stand up. He almost died. He could've died just then. Ending his life before he could even rule the world yet. Suddenly he felt joyful and happy that he had survived. 

"I'm alive! I didn't die! I survived!" He shouted. The semi truck had drove off as if it didn't just crush someone's car and almost kill two people. Other traffic drove around him and the crushed car, not caring about how they had witnessed, an almost murder. "How could you people be so heartless??!!" He screamed loudly at everyone driving by, and at the speeding semi. But he was quickly happy again. "Shego! We're alive! We survived a car crash!" He said and turned to hug Shego, but she wasn't there. She was still in the crushed car.

A Forgotten Love A D/S fanficWhere stories live. Discover now