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They were almost to their destination when there was a major traffic jam, and they were moving about an inch at a time. And both villains were getting irritated. 

"Can't you get us there? We're going to be late!"

"Gee, I'd love too, but if you haven't noticed we're in a traffic jam!" Shego snapped.

"This never would have happened if I was driving." Drakken grumbled crossing his arms. 

"Excuse me?! You're the one who got rid of the hovercraft!"

"Well SOrry, for not wanting to crash into a tree, when the brakes quit on us!" 

"I'm the experienced driver here! I wouldn't have crashed into a damn tree!"  Shego now had all her attention focused on Drakken, and arguing with him. "What do you take me for?! Some kind of idiot?!" Drakkens eyes widened slightly.

"Um.. Shego?"

"No! I'm not done yet! Just because you men think your so, big  and strong,  you think you can just push women around and treat them how you like!" 

"First of all, you're the one who pushes me around! And second of all, traffics moving." He said pointing at the cars moving ahead of them. All of the vehicles behind them were honking, and yelling could be heard from angry drivers.

"This car is not moving until you, understand this!" She said angrily in his face. "I'm the driver here, and what are you? A selfish, blue skinned, scar faced freak!" A loud Honking sounded close to the car with the arguing villains.

"Shego! The car!" Drakken yelled pointing at the window. He went to grab the steering wheel and press on the gas pedal when a thundering crash sounded,many everything moved in slow motion. The front of the car was crushed beneath a semi truck and smashed the glass. The airbags blew out and hit them in the face, making them feel like their  faces were being burnt. 

A Forgotten Love A D/S fanficWhere stories live. Discover now