The beginning

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A/n, hey guys. I know this chap sucks and a few chaps after that do suck but please keep reading a little longer because I promise it gets better and hopefully you'll enjoy it. (Jeez, that really sounds like I'm desparite for more reads XD)


"Sqaishey, can you please come out to the balcony to talk in private?" I asked, hoping she would say yes. I heard squid let out a snicker, could be a reason for it or, it could just be squid being squid :)

'Coming kitty cake' sqaishey said. Damn, squid let out another snicker! I took sqaishey's hand in mine and lead her out. "Ok sqaishey, I'm gonna say this straight away. I like you, like, really like you" 

'I like you to kitty' 

'I'd be honoured if you would be my girlfriend"

Let's just wait a minute! Before we find out sqaishey's answer I should tell you what's going on. If you've read other sqampy stories you'll properly know where I got this story from but stampy and sqaishey met over Xbox then they did a bet, sqaishey won, so sqaishey is living with stampy for 2 months now. Squid lives with stampy in a mid sized house. Hope you enjoy my story!

'Kitty Cake I.....I........I!" Sqaishey leaned in a pressed her lips against mine. 

'That-that answered my question well!' We went back down to squid hand in hand. Squid instantly knew what happened and raised his eyebrows. Sqaishey rolled her eyes and I smiled at her. I knew this was only the start of our happy relashinship.

I know, kinda a slow start but I wanted to ease into the love. Hopefully this won't be to disgusting in the long hall!!

-Izzlee 💝

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