Facing fears

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A/n don't scream at me for possibly spelling 'facing' wrong. Feel free to correct me. 


My heart began beating faster than ever. I dashed like never before towards to bathroom. As I assumed, there lay sqaishey. Her messy brown hair covering a ton of her face. She wasn't moving but I could see her stomach gently moving up and down; she was breathing normally. I breathed a huge sigh of relief and half leaned over her. I prayed she wouldn't wake here, she'd get frightened at a Stampy leaning over her! I picked sqaishey up, she was really light and carried her back to our table. Thankfully we sat at a table with one side as a mini sofa. I managed to lie sqaishey down on it and waited for her to wake. I quickly finished my lunch whilst waiting. 

Soon enough, sqaishey began to stir and soon wake. A confused look took over her face. 'Hey sqaish' I smiled down at the duck. 'Where am I?' She asked. 'In the cafe. You passed out on the way to the bathroom after I told you we were goin...maybe I shouldn't mention that' I explained. Suddenly, a look of dread took over sqaishey's face and she stared into space a little. I looked at her confused, 'sqaishey...?' Sqaishey suddenly acted really calm and began to ramble like nothing was wrong, 'anyway, errr, yes! Horse riding!' She began to sit up, I backed off a little, 'can't wait! Let's ahhh! My head!' Sqiashey placed her hand on her head and began looking pale again. I was a little shocked. 'Lie back down sqiashey' I said, attempting to remain calm. I helped her to lie down carefully. 'Just lie for a minute. I know you must be excited to see the gorgeous horses but we've still got another hour.' I paused a little before continuing, 'now, when you ready, sit up...slowly this time.' Sqaishey nodded her head and then did as I instructed. She was ok this time. 'Now, let's finish your lunch and then walk to the stables.


I wish that the walk to the stables lasted double even triple the time it took. Maybe that would of allowed me to work up the courage to tell Stampy that I was scared of horses. Yet, here I am now, standing in front of the horse  I'm about to ride for two hours. Stampy is ok his horse. He's a gorgeous ginger called Duce. Duce stands tall and proud. In front of me is a completely and utterly beautiful horse called Girl. She's sweet, gentle and also completely indimidating. I leant backwards with my eyes like saucers. 'Go on, say hi!' Smiled the instructor. I gave her a cautious glance, 'how do I do that exactly?' I questioned, expecting the worst answer I could think of. 'Let her sniff your hand' her positivity drowned me, I was the only one feeling anxious and upset. I extended my hand and closed my eyes so it looked like they were closed but could still see everything as a blur. As soon as the instructor looked away to help Stampy, who was half falling off, I took my hand away at the speed of sound.

My mind was searching for an excuse to get outta here! Searching...searching...nothing. I might just have to do this. I turned to stare at my right and saw the instructor smiling at me. 'Time for you to get on and going.' Stampy said. I looked downwards at my riding boots. I felt my head for my hat, I'd be safe....horses are....lovely. 'Don't be afriard, Girl seems to really love you, she'll keep you safe' I glanced at Girl. Her head was turned away from me. I frowned. 

After much pursuansance I found myself stood on top of a mounting block. This was it. I lifted my leg, ready to swing. All sorts of thoughts pounded in my head. Would I make it? What would Girl do? Would she buck me off? I suddenly felt a wash of power overcome me. I swung my leg partly over the saddle. 

I only remember falling to the ground crying silently. 

I opened my eyes, Stampy and the instructor leaning over me. I sat up; my head was alright. Both the people surrounding me lifted me to my feet and explained what happened. 'You weren't out for long' Stampy explained calmly. I stared at the instructor who nodded. 'Have a seat on the block sqaishey, I must talk to the instructor privately'. I looked at Stampy and the cheery instructor as they walked a few metres away. I focused on what just happened. I wanted to stand and slap Girl, it was all her fault, wasn't it? Something stopped me though. It was the way, when I was on the ground and blacked out, apparently Girl nudged me back to life. Also, those eyes, they starred at me with kindness and happiness. I put my hand out infront of me. Girl sniffed it a little before backing away. I frowned, she didn't actually like me. Then, Girl layer her chin n top of my hand. She took my fears away. Her sweetness and lovelyness. I fell for her. I stood and shifted my body so her neck was directly in front of me. With milliseconds of hesitation I threw my arms around her and squeezed. She placed her head over my shoulder and around my back. I think....just maybe, she was hugging me back.

Not long after, Stampy and Cheryl, our instructor, returned. My hand was layed on Girls neck and both Stampy and Cheryl smiled at the sweet sight. 'Cheryl and I were discussing and we think you must get back on' Stampy mentioned. I was waiting for my body to completely freeze but nothing happened. 'I'm guessing you want to go on Duce though?' Stampy said. 'No!' I instantly shouted, louder than I meant. Stampy looked a little confused. 'Ok then, let's go on Girl?' It was a half statement half question. I nodded my head. Then I thought back to what he just said. It sounded like we would be both on Girl. I was axactly correct. We both mounted onto Girl! Stampy was on the saddle at the front. I had my arms wrapped around his waist sitting at the back, behind the saddle. I was shaking at first but then ok after a little. 'Bye!' The instructor said. 'BAIIIIIII!' Me and Stampy shouted. 'Wait....WHAT!' I screamed. 'I gave Stampy the map!' Cheryl explained. I nodded, Stampy would guide us easily. 


'Yes Stampy?'

'I lost the map!!' 

'Oh Stampy!!' 



'Yes Stampy?!

'Were you afraid of horses?'

'I was....but not any more....not any more'



'Yes sqaishey?'

'Can we get a horse?'



Thanks for reading 

Izzlee 💝🦊

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