The 'Amy thing'

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'WHAT?!' Sqaishey bellowed at me. She couldn't believe it. Her face showed shock and disbelief. 'Yup' I said. I hung my head in shame. I would tell her the story but I don't know how. 'Let's go home. Talk to me my room' she said. I nodded and followed her home. The streetlights lit the way. I felt like I was doing the walk of shame the whole way down. I could her people in my head screaming 'loser' and 'meanie beanie!' Or 'I can't believe you did that' and 'you little cheet you' finally, that stupid walk was over. I walked into sqaishey's room. 'I hold this doesn't bring back to many "sqamy" memories, does it?' She half joked. I let out a quiet laugh. 'Not really. I'm already over squid. Presides, he seems to really love Nicole now. How long have they known each other?' Sqaishey shrugs. 'As far as I'm concerned they met two days ago, when you to broke up' (a/n I think that's correct!) I nodd. On sqaishey's shelves there a loads of pictures of her and stampy together. They are swimming in one. At a picnic in the woods in another. One shows them holding hands on the walk. In my head I'm screaming 'OMG SQAMPY FOR LIFE!!' I'm fangirling so much. I manage to maintain myself on the outside though. 'So, spill please!' Sqaishey says. We take a seat on her couch IN HER ROOM OMG! Ok...her goes nothing Amy. 'So....I used to like cannabis (a/n sorry that I've mentioned drugs guys, I hope you can forgive me xD!) I used to have it a little, maybe once every two days. But I still took it, not often, but a little. It never effected me in any way though, which is lucky for me.' Sqaishey is listening in shock. He mouth is dangling open! 'I managed to get my older brother to have some. Soon, he was completely addicted. One night, me and my friends drank a lot, we were just at a big party. As I walked home alone I looked down an ally way and saw my brother fighting. Because I was drunk I grabbed a knife that lay on the ground and went to stab the person my brother was fighting. I- I axidently killed my brother instead' I was tearing up as I said the last bit. Sqaishey looked upset and shocked. She backed away. Was she scared of me? I couldn't have my bestie scarred of me. 'I've stopped drinking and taking drugs now' I said. Sqaishey stopped and looked at me puzzled. It was like she was trying to figure me out. I looked at her and she looked at me. She hugged me 'well done for stopping' she said as we broke apart. Eventually the boys came.


That's not the Amy I know. She's cute and a little tree hugger. Not a murderer. Is it bad that the fact she killed someone makes me feel better about me? Ugh....

Stampy came into my room. 'Stamps!' I cry 'knock, I could've been naked!' 'Sorry sqaish!' He replies. I laugh. He sits on my bed and I feel slightly uncomfortable. He's so tired he falls asleep on my bed! I sit next to him and play with his hair. After a while I decide that I should get some sleep. With out thinking I lie down next to Stampy and we sleep together.

When I wake up at 9 I remember everything that happened last night. The alleyway, stampys dad. My mum. She's still out there but I bet she won't be bothering us much more. Then I look next to me and see Stampy, we're sleeping together now. That's a thing? I'll ask him when he wakes up. As if Stampy heard me, he wakes up and smiles at me. He seems totally fine that we were in bed together. 'Morning duckie' he says. I smile. 'So, we are sleeping together now?' I ask. 'Well, I thought if we are living together we should sleep together.' My jaw drops. Did Stampy just ask me to move in with him. 'Are..,are you saying what I think you're saying?' Stampy and I both get off the bed and he hands me a little silver key 'welcome home duckie' I'm speechless. I jump up and down the hug Stampy really tight. 'Can't... BREATHE!' He jokes. Worried, I stop, the realise he was joking and give him a kiss. 'Mind leaving so I can get change?' I ask. 'Of course' he says. We may now sleep together but we are not going that far! After I'm changed I go down and see everyone, including Roseball sitting in a circle with a bottle. Yay! Time for some Truth or Dare!


(A/n I know I said Stampy has broken his ribs....let's pretend his ribs were just very painful but now they are fine....yah?!)

I've been wanting to move into my own house with Finball after a while since my house is broken and Living with three other people can get a bit....y'know! I feel he wants us to get our own house as well. He has been complaining a little about all the drama that Sqampy and Amy have. Squid and Nicole stayed with us last night as well, to help Stampy. Last night was way to crowded. I'd like my own space. At least squidcole left early this morning, to get back to Nicole's house. I think squid lives with her. ALREADY! As far as I'm concerned it started in a friendly way but then got romantic. I don't think they would've already romantically moved in with each other! Anyway, let's get this game started. 'Rosie, you first!' Stampy says. I move my eyes along the crowd, four people in total. I decide to go for Amy, she never tells us much about her personal life yet we tell her everything. 'Who was your first boyfriend?' I ask. (A/n, sorry, I suck at truths!). Amy thinks for a moment. 'I think it was in second year, a guy named Joe' I nod. Interesting...

Next, Amy asks Stampy cat. 'T or D cat?' 'Dare!' He says bravely. Amy wickedly smiles and then says 'I dare you to spin the bottle and dance with whoever it lands on' Stampy smiled and spam the bottle. I guess I wouldn't mind dancing with Stampy, he's nice enough. Not sure if Finball would be to happy though. The bottle got slower and slower landed on....FINBALL!? The whole gang bursts out laughing. 'M'lady' Stampy says to Finball in a silly voice. Finball looks at me, asking if it's ok. I nod and smile, I know this is going to be so funny. 'Ooooo, let me choose the song!' Finball squeals. He's acting like a girl on purpose. He puts on Katy Perry 'hot and cold' it's soooooo funny! Finball acts like a diva girl and stampy is a diva boy! The whole dance is hilarious. Sqaishey, Amy and I are all on the floor laughing by the end. When the song finishes Finball poses so that one hand is straight down and one is straight up in the air. Stampy poses by doing the 'honey G' pose. (A/n I only kinda know the honey G pose, I hope you know what I mean).

After a while we decided to do the last truth or Dare, stampy was asking sqaishey this time. 'T or D?' Sqaishey thought for a minute. 'I feel it will be safer doing Truth. Don't want to be dancing around with Rosie!' We all laughed at her silly joke. We all laughed harder when we heard that stampys laughed turned into a croak! 'Ok... let me think' he though for a minus before turning to the window. His eyes suddenly got very wide. I thought he had just thought of the best Truth before he said 'do-do you a-also see tha-that sqaisheyyyy?' He gasped. Sqaishey's jaw dropped a little and her eyes got wide as she turned to see her mums drone outside the window. The while room fell onto silence, then, sqaishey and Amy gasped.

??? POV

Yes, they left the door open. Those stupid people. Only they would. Why haven't they put a sign on the door saying 'COME IN, THE DOOR IS UNLOCKED'? To be fair, I'm sure it doesn't matter I'm most cases that there door is unlocked as long as someone is inside the house at the time. Notice how I said 'in MOST cases'. Well in this case, it does matter. Thankfully they've oiled the door so it didn't squeak of creak. I heard muffled voices, sounds like they were dancing. I stood in Stampy and sqaishey corridor, waiting for the right moment. I had and ear piece so that I could hear sqaishey's mum tell me when to get them. By them, I mean Amy and Sqaishey. They escaped last time. Well, this time, they are staying with me. Finally, sqaishys mum, who was watching the whole thing using a drone, told me to get them. I walked into the room, realising they had sported the drone. At least now they won't notice me. I put a white cloth infront of Amy and sqaishey, causing them to black out, then dragged them out the house and ran. I jumped into my car and drove off to Amy's and mine old apartment.


Kind of a cliffhanger!! He he. I loved writing this chap. I really got into it. Just a quick shout out to Thanks for all the support

Thanks for reading

Izzlee 💝

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