Can't think of a name!!

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The door creaked open and Amy and I walked inside them collapsed on the sofa. Both of us, exhausted. That was so embarrasing! There could've been fans there. Seeing us like we were. It was shameful. I looked at Amy, she was as tattered as me. We were like old rag dolls. I like to think we were a bit prettier then that though! I grabbed some toast for tea. I couldn't make anything else for tea. Amy followed. We sat at the table to eat. No talk, all num num. (num num=eating). Both of us were clearly tired from the past 6hours. And that bus ride. The humiliation was real! It's not like we were naked but if someone took a photo and shared it. Ugh! I hope the boys and Rosie are ok. I really couldn't do this anymore. Was it best for me to leave Stampy and his friends? I wouldn't bring any drama with stamps' and my parents. Nor would I get caught in drama. No, I could leave sqamy, but still be friends, but not stampy. I love him to much. That was a selfish thought. You can say that. I'll agree. I sighed and finished my toast. I was hopping that Stamps would be ok. Then I realised. I couldn't find anyone. I heard giggling from the living. Phew! Stamps was hear. I'd tell everyone what happened to us. I walked into the living room to see Roseball on the couch together. Great, no stamps. 'SQAISHEY!' I heard a friendly voice cry. Stampy? Nugget? YAAAAY! I would hug or kiss stamps but right now...that would be not appropriate. 'What happened to you. Your poor thing you!' Stampy said. 'Kitty cake. It was horrible' I sobbed. I think Stampy could tell what happened. I think anyone could. Nugget stared at Amy and I. Roseball came in and gaped. Everyone stared at Amy and I. You know what? I'll tell you guys the story before I tell them. You deserve to know. I sulked up to my room to get changed. These stupid clothes these....! I looked down at myself. Nice at least I wasn't in a bra and things that were basically nickers! (Sorry about the bra thing!). You can proberly guess what happened. Zack...ugh....I hate the word. I threw a pillow at the wall. Stamps peaked his head in. He smiled. 'I'll do what I was gonna do earlier' he gave me a kiss and I kissed back. We kissed for about 2mins until we stopped. 'Now, please tell me what happened to you?' He asked. Well, I was gonna tell you guys first but I guess I'll tell Stamps as well. 'Ok... ' began 'Zack caught us and we left us. By us, I mean Amy and I. Zack basically striped us then forced us to drink beer. It was torture. He then shoved us out onto the street with money for a bus. It was to far to walk home so we rode on the bus, looking disgusting. Our hair was messed up and everything. We also looked tired.' Stamps was so upset. He cuddled me then kissed my forehead. 'I'm sorry sqaish' he whispered into my hair. I mustered a smile. We began walking downstairs hand in hand. We saw sqamy. (Squid and Amy, in case you forgot!). Amy had clearly just told squid what happened. Amy was still in bra (ummmmm, sorry!) and pants. She looked at squid how was talking about.....who knows! This is squid we are talking about. 'Hey nugget! My eyes are up here. Look at me when you are talking!' Amy cried. Stampy and I snickered. Just went bright red. He looked like he would burn! 'In need to recorde with Ash now. Byeeeeeee!' He ran upstairs past Stamps and I so fast it made our heads spin! Bye nugget I guess. 


I have the best idea for sqaishey to do for lunch. I was so excited about it that I dragged sqaishey downstairs and let go of her hand. She looked puzzled for a moment. I checked everything was just perfect. It was so I sneaked up behind sqaishey, who was now at the kitchen, and covered her eyes. 'Hey kitty cake' she giggled. I was so tempted to say 'it's Amy!' But I didn't. I'll keep that one in mind for future though. I told her all about m plan. She squealed in excitement. 'When' she asked. 'Now, if you'll let me ascorte you' I held out my arm. She giggled her cute laugh and linked her arm with mine. Off we the woods!

We walked along the bumpy twigs and roots. Sqaishey nearly tripped. I grabbed her tight and held her so she didn't trip. She smiled and stood up straight. 'Race ya?' She darted off. I chased after her. She's fast for a duck that only waddles slowly. I over took her. 'Cats are faster and slyer than ducks' I cried. 'Oh we'll see about that then' she began chasing faster. Suddenly I heard a scream. I turned around and saw sqaishey crouched down her hands in her head. Being the caring, and apparently stupid, boyfriend I am, I stopped to come and help. 'Sqaish?' I asked, getting close. Out of the blue, sqaishey jumped up and began charging to the picnic area. 'Ha, ducks are slyer!' I playfully groaned. I chased. Sqaishey got tired, it's not always that we do any extersize! I caught up and sillily pushed her away, gently of course. 'Kitty!' She screamed. I won!! I crashed down onto the mat, sqaishey soon after. 'Ok' I began 'ducks are slyer, cats are faster!' She laughed. Then gasped as we saw what was on the mat. Cake, pumpkin pie, tea and other nummies. We tucked right  in. After scoffing everything we fell. Sqaishey ended up on top of me. This was awkward. It could've gone two ways, I'm glad it went they way it did. Sqaishey coughed awkwardly and got off me. 'Let's not go there yet' she said. I nodded and laughed. I also licked my fingers clean and squishy did the same but with her feathers. Ducks don't have fingers!! 'Let's pack up' I said. Sqaishey did all the food and put the rubbish in the bin as I did the mat. Of course the mat was yellow and orange. I even got a cat face and a duck face on it. I was proud of my creation. It would past through generations. We would give it to our kids and they would give it to there kids and so on. Wait....did I just say 'our kids'. That doesn't actually sound to bad. But that does! Maybe sqaishey feels the same way. Only when we are married though. That's my promise to the world. My other one is that I will always love sqaishey, no matter what.


He he! I'm sorry my chaps are so short. I thought this one would be longer but it wasn't. I'm so sorry. I was thinking of just posting every Friday as I am very busy. So I'll post next Friday. Thanks for reading

Izzlee 💝

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