Hey, how's you day been

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So suddenly I'm captured by this dude, held hostage with sqaishey then Stampys ex saves us....what is wrong with my life!? You know what....don't answer that.

After being rescued we realise that we had zero idea about where we were. We both just stood there in an awkward silence. Eventually I said, 'let's just find our own ways home shall we?' I patiently waited for a response. All sqaishey did was nod then head home. I didn't expect her to talk to me. I decided to make my way home. There was the stroll through the park, the one where I met Nicole and then there was the restaraunt which was Nicole and my first date. Oh! And also that place where I met Stampy for the first time in real life!! I nodded to myself 'that wasn't to hard' I murmured. Suddenly I crashed into two people! 'Oh my go---SQUID!' Nicole screamed and hugged me. I hugged back. 'What happened, you were just suddenly stolen?' She gave my clothes and my now messy hair a curious glance. 'I'll tell you later, let's just go home shall we?' Nicole took my hand and she led me home. 'Good luck finding sqaishey Stampy! Then sqampy will be reunited!' I bellowed back. Stamps smiled at me then continued his journey.

After greeting all my pets I went upstairs to my room. I saw my drone and went to it. Suddenly, Nicole blocked my path. 'Na-ah!' She sassily said, 'I saw the pictures you have on that nugget, why do you have them then?' I sighed, no point lying 🤥 (a/n, that emoji tho!). 'I need them' I spoke. Ok, so, I didn't actually mention why I needed them, or why I had hearted that specific one, or why it was that specific picture instead of a different one. You know what, you could basically say I LIED to Nicole. But I technically didn't! 

Nicole gave me a sarcastic look. 'Just don't use them for something you shouldn't,' she gave me a light tap on the nose then left. So much for my revenge plan. When Nicole says I should do something, then I listen. Hey, I ain't taking any chances! Oh, and in case your wondering, what 'the picture' was, is none of your business!


I've looked everywhere. The grocery store, the news agence, the police, even the fire brigade! Sqaishey was no where. I was about to give up when I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw 'SQAISHEY!' I hugged her as she giggled. 'Hey stamps.' I had about a zillion questions but right then I wanted to go home. 'Come on sqaishey' I said, taking her hand. 'Let's go back home'. She nodded. 

We made tea and sat on the sofa together. Alyx and Ori were happy to annoy us! I grinned every time they jumped up and down the sofa. Sqaishey and explained everything that happened. I nodded but frowned at the same time whilst listening. I gave her a tight squeeze at the end of it. 'I'm sorry sqaish' I whispered before telling her all about what Melonie did. She understood because I didn't kiss her back. When we finished we went up to bed. Sqaishey understandably went to sleep quickly. I tossed and turned in my bed for ages. All these thoughts and questions running through my head. What If she gets ducknapped again? Will Zack ever stop? Why is he doing this? Eventually I drifted off into an unpleasant sleep.


I woke up to the sound of a scream. I turned to face the clock '3:42a.m'. Ugh! I then turn to face stamps. He looks petrified. Like he just saw an evil cake! Hey, don't laugh! 

When Stampy looks at me he sighs and hugs me. I hug back, confused. 'What happened Stamps? Nightmare?' Stampy slowly nods. 'wanna talk about it?' I ask. Stampy nods again but is vague with his answer 'think of the worst dream you've ever had then times it by 2- no! 5! Times it by five.' So I do. I close my eyes. Images of Zack taking Stampy and holding him at gunpoint before shooting him. I then times it by five. Zack kills him right infront of my face. Then he kills all my friends and leaves me on the streets. Wow! Stamps had a horrible dream. I give him a subtle, but still knowing glance. I can only imagine the dream he just had. I mean, nightmare. I give him another hug, 'try sleep' I whisper. He nods for the third time before lying down. Eventually he sleeps, now its my turn to dream. 

I wake, go downstairs and find Stampy there, burning breakfast. I try to go help him but somehow I end up on the couch. All of a sudden, 








I wake up and I'm sitting at the kitchen table. Stampys opisite me. 'Geez sqaish. It's rude to fall asleep on the table!'. I look around, no zack, no rope, my own house. Hmmmmm!? 'What happened?' I question Stampy. He gives me a strange stare. It's like he's trying to figure me out. 'Well, you just helped me make breakfast then you dozed of for about half and hour. Oh, and by the way these toast doodles you helped me make are awesome!' (A/n if you wanna know what toast doodles are and how you make them, message me! They weren't my idea, I stole them from a book!) I look down and I see, on my toast, the outline of a duck and a cat. I smile and lightly giggle. 'I remember!' I laugh, even though I still have zill idea of what's going on. Stampy smiles back at me. 'Wanna meet my mum today sqaish?' Stampy asked me. 'Sounds good, can we go now? I'll have lots of recording to do later so now would be best'. Stampy said yes and we both headed out.


la la la la......oh poops!!

I have *ahem* no idea where my mums new house is! Nor do I have her phone number because she got a new one to stop my dad calling when they divorced. I know, I'll just wonder around the city with sqaishey pretending that I know where it is. Hopefully I'll find it or an excuse to not knowing where it is. Let's goooooo....this way! 

La la la la! 

Oh, heya Roseball! 'Hey stamps, heya sqaish!' Finball says when he spots us. 'Hiya!' Sqaishey replies. I unsuspiciously, well sorta unsuspiciously, look around for my mum. Ack, no where to be seen. Let's just ask Rosie a question. 'So Rosie, what happened with your blacking out problem?' They all stare at me like I'm insane, or deaf! 'I literally just asked that stamps, and Rosie answered, like, a second ago!' Sqaishey informed me. 'Oh, I knew that......so.....what happened?' They all laugh at me. 'Like I just said, it's all sorted, thanks to Finball!' Rosie smiled. We say our goodbyes then I keep, leading sqaishey around the city like I knew exactly where to go. 'You have no idea where we are going, do you?' Sqaishey asks. I hang my head in shame 'on, I don't!' Sqaishey's shakes her head at me. 'Let's go to the police, they'll know.' I nod and we navigate our way to the police. 

They did manage to tell us where she lived. Now it was 2pm roughly so we made our way to my mums house. 

She has a lovely house, super nice, quite big. Proberly a 3 bedroom house or something. I knocked on the door three times. I couldn't resist myself, I knocked three times again. That was a thing mum and I did when I was younger. Always knock three times, then knock three times again. The door creaked open and I saw my mum standing there. Nothing had changed, still cheery, tall and skinny. 'I thought it might be you Joe, or should I now say Stampy! It's been years, your so grown up!' Sqaishey giggled at this. My mum pulled me into a hug. I gave sqaishey a 'help me' look, she laughed more. 'Tell me everything then Joe and.....' 'Beth' sqaishey said, 'but call me sqaishey please!' My mum nodded. 'Sqaishey it is then!' 

So we did, we told her everything, about dad, Amy, Squid, Nicole, etc. By the time 'my life story' was done my mum was both happy and sad! Sad about dad and Zack, but happy that most of its turned out well. We stayed so long that we ate tea and even slept over! I felt five again over at my mums.

It was such a great feeling.


MY DAYS BEEN.........


I know that this chap had, no kissing in it but the last one had loads, yeah, that's just my different "moods". So I guess you'll just have to put up with my poopy moods and my poopy chaps. 

Okay, that made zero sense!

Thanks for reading 

Izzlee 💝

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