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A/n sorry for my dreadful names! In this chapter I claim that squid has a sister but he doesn't in real life! 


I noticed the fear in Stampy's eyes. I could see it to clearly, it didn't fill me with any confidence. 'It will be ok mate' I told him. 

'Will it? Will she really be ok?' I tried to nod but I couldn't.

'I wish we could tell Sqaishey this' Stampy said.

'Me to, I feel she does deserve to know'

'What if she comes into my room and sees I'm not there. She'd be fur--' I cut Stampy off. I couldn't have him think about that 'she won't look for you mate. I mean that in the nicest way possible' We pulled up at the hospital and got out. He receptionist knew who we were straight away as we came every night now.


I nodded at the receptionist and darted to Rosie's room. Rosie the penguin! She still wasn't awake. I hugged her tight. I expected to see Sqaishey as I stopped hugging Rosie. Then it hit me. I pulled away from a kiss a couple days ago. Sqaishey could be annoyed if I did it again with out a reason. I have to tell Sqaishey some how.  I turned to look at squid. His eyes were glued to Rosie as she is his sister. (A/n fake!) I lay my hand on his shoulder. Squid turned to me, forcing a smile. He grabbed Rosie's hand and began to beg. 'Please Rosie if you can hear me, wake up..... please' The nurse came in to give us news on Rosie's recovery. As squid was having a 'moment' I got the news. 'She will take one or two more days to fully recover. You've got a fighter here, she won't give up' I thanked the nurse and told squid we had to go as it was midnight.


I am beginning to hear things. that Stampy, and squid. The inside of my mind was beaming. My brother with his best friend who is my... well my... ok fine. I'll tell. Stampy is my crush.  Squid doesn't know and I plan to keep it that way. I've heard he had a girlfriend and she is called Sqaishey. I'm sure she deserves the kitty more than I do. I felt hands wrap around my body. It was Stampy hugging me tight.  I've never felt safer. I also felt stronger. I tried open my eyes but still nothing. I could hear squids cries and I felt my hand being picked up and held tight. I knew it was squid. Stampy would never like me like that. I heard the nurse say something to Stampy. Then, they left.


'Shhhhh Stampy' squid hushed. I rolled my eyes at him. I knew one night we would be caught by Sqaishey, I didn't mind when! I walked into Sqaishey's room and saw her comfortably as sleep. I smiled, she looked cute. I walked into my own room and saw Amy. 'STAMPY' she whispered-shouted. 

'Hi Amy, why didn't you talk to squid'

'I will after I tell you'

'But he will be asleep'

'I can wake him up'

'Wait, you guys sleep together?' I asked.

'No' Amy giggled

'Anyway' she continued 'how was the penguin?'

'Eyes still shut. You should come one night with us' 

'I would but if Sqaishey wakes up and no ones home...' I knew Amy was right. Maybe I would stay home instead? 

In the morning I saw Sqaishey up, making tea. I greeted Hello and grabbed my cup of tea. Sqaishey noticed my tiredness but shock her head. I walked over to the sofa and began editing a lovely world episode. I knew I would have to tell Sqaishey someday, I knew 


I woke up at 9 to grab breakfast. I saw Stampy editing a video. I covered his eyes and said 'guess who' 

'Hi duckie' he said in response

'Would you like any food' I asked

'Yup. Bacon and eggs please' I nodded and went to make the food. I saw stampy smile as I served him his food. He hardly looked up and continued editing. Why didn't he talk to me? I tried to look at his laptop but he hid it away. I was puzzled but non the less walked up to my recording room. Well, I tried to. Amy stopped me. 'Hey duckie'


'Going to do some recording'

'Yup, gonna do 3 feather adventures'

'Great can you believe poor Ros-----' Why did Amy cut off? Was there something that she couldn't tell me? Did it have something to do with what Stampy was doing on his laptop? All these questions were stuck in my head then Amy inturupted my thoughts, 'Errrrrrr, BYE DUCKIE' she screamed then ran off. I tried to shake off all my thoughts but they stuck in my mind. I had to do the intro 3 times because I kept stopping and thinking and messing up on my words. Finally, I recorded the perfect feather adventures. 


Squid was recording with Ash so I decided to talk to sqaishey I found her in her room but then I nearly told her about Rosie. We've decided to let Stampy tell her when the time was right. I ran downstairs, grabbed tea and found Stampy on his computer. I said to him what I tried to say to Sqaishey, 'hey Stamps. Can you believe poor Rosie has not woken up. Worst unconsciousness (un-conscious-ness 🤣) ever!'

'I know. Do you think Rosie would prefer a bracelet or a necklace as her out-of-hospital gift?'

'Necklace. Come on stamps, everyone knows penguins prefer necklaces!' Stampy laughed. 'I feel really bad because I didn't show sqaishey in case she got her hopes up and thought I was getting her something' stampy claimed

'Don't worry stamps, I can talk to her if you like. Or you can tell her your sorry and maybe get her a present as well'

'Good idea' stampy smiled 'I'll do that now'


I walked into sqaishey's room. I had bought her a bracelet that said 'belongs to a kitty' I knew it was cheesy but I couldn't help myself. I had been acting strange recently so now I was gonna tell Sqaishey about Rosie and give her the presents. 'Hi Sqaish' I whispered into her ear.

'Hey Mr Cat' she giggled

'I have something to tell'

'What's that' she asked.

'I was out last night with squid at the hospital.'

'WHY' she gasped 'what happened?'

'Nothing happened to me but Rosie, the penguin and Squid sister is unconscious' Sqaishey gasped and nodded asking me to continue. I did, 'Not sure how it happened but Squid and I visited every night for the passed week. Maybe we could all go this night' 

'Yes Stampy, thanks for telling me. I love Rosie and I loved to meet her. I noticed you've been slightly strange. Is that why?' 

'Yes' I slightly blushed. I recovered quickly 'I got you this' I pulled out the bracelet and she immediately smiled. I smiled back, she loved it. She hugged me and I hugged her back. It felt so good. So, so good 


Ew! Cheesy! Sorry guys. I hoped you liked the chapter. I have a message to tell you I'll properly get that out almost straight away. Sorry for so short chapters. I struggle to right loads in one chapter, if that makes sense!! Thanks so much for reading.

Izzlee 💝

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