I'll love you...no matter what

43 2 12

A/n my keyboard really sucks right about now so there will proberly be loads of mistaks in the chap! Sorry


'We were both young when I first saw you' that sounds like  nice start to a song. Sounds almost Romeo and Juliet style? 'He kneeled to the ground and pulled out a ring and said--' 

'SQAISHEY!' Stampy came darting into my room with his arms in the air. 'What's up with you Mr cat?' I asked. He sighed. 'Nothing!' 'Then why did you come bouncing into the room?' Stampy thought for a minute then shook his head. 'Just waned to see  my pet duckie' I gave him a funny look. It was obvious he wasn't being straight with me here. Stampy is the worst liar. I always catch him out. He just can't lie well which is why I knew something was up with him. 'Stamps, you tell me anything you know' I kissed his cheek and looked him in the eye. He grunts. He knows I know he wasn't being honest. 'I was just thinking about squid, an our parents. Why stupid drama Gods? WHY!?' It's obvious that stampy hasn't eaten any cake today. He's not his normal self. I think for a moment. Those two link together some how. I just can't put my finger on it though. 'Stampy? If I pretend that I hate your dad...' 'sqaish, that won't work. We can't break them up... they hate us!' Stamps made sense. But why does squid and our parents link together. Is there some sort of set up stamps and I have missed this whole time. I think harder then I realise, I'm overthinking. I must be. Squid is our best friend. Sure he likes me but he's still stampys best friends. I shouldn't worry about anything. Should I? 

Suddenly, a scream almost shatters glass. I gasp, so does Stampy. We charge down stairs. I stare at the couch in the living room. I see Finball, with a sharp, pointy needle in his hand. I see Rosie, blood coming out her arm. She's lying down. Wait...is she.....dead? I crawl closer. What happened? Finballs face shows guilt. He didn't...did he? No, he wouldn't. Not to his girlfriend anyway. 'Finball?' Stampy says. 'I had to. She screamed as I was going to give her the tablets for her blacking out all the time. She's blacked out 3 times today. Anyway, she creamed as she saw the large tablet. I had to inject it quickly, I injected into the wrong place. She'll be ok but it's just bloody for now.' 'Why is she past out?' I ask. 'Just what the tablet does' replies Finball. I look at Rosie, I know she'll be ok but she looks....ugh! Poor thing. The tablets are horrible. I can't believe you have to inject them into you. It must really hurt. 'One of these each day should help. Rosie will be fine before we know it, hopefully' Finball says. I nod. I wish I couldn make her better. It's horrible. If Finball misses again, but in a way worse place, he could badly injure Rosie. I hope she'll be ok.

I went up to my bed room. Stampy following. He lay his arm around me and squeezed my shoulder gently. I began to sob. Have I got mental health. What I did next clearly answered my question. 'STAMPY GO AWAY! I WANT TO BE ALONE SO LEAVE. LEAVE FOREVER MAYBE. I DON'T WANT YOU HERE SO GOOOOOOOO AWAYYYYYYYYY!' I was shocked at my own words. Did I just.... end it? Stampy jumped at my words. His faced shocked. 'N-no kitty cake. Please, I'm not myself. Please, I didn't mean it....stay....I....I lo--' 'KITTY CAKE?' Stampy questioned, 'only the sqaishey I know calls me kitty cake, not the screaming phyco she's turned into' Stampy was tearing up. I felt my eyes slightly water but I knew I couldn't cry. This was crazy. I can't wait for all this drama to be over. Stampy stormed out of my room. I could here him ripping something then throwing it in the bin. I ran to the bath room. I saw a glass blade on the floor. I cut myself with it. Several times. I sobbed as I did so. Then screamed. If this is a dream, wake me up NOW.


I can't believe I just chucked that into the bin. I was hoping to do it soon. I bought that wedding ring for a load of money but now I've just chucked it away. I starred down at my bracelet I got from Sqaishey. I tiny heart hung from it. I picture inside that, of us. We had a onesie day, she was in a cat one and I was in a duck one. The charm bracelet also had 'belongs to sqaishey' written in gold. I slammed it down onto the table. Ripping up a heart with mine and sqaishey's name on it, I ran outside. I didn't know where I was going but I headed towards a park, one sqaishey and I loved to play in. A tree, we carved our names into it like silly teens. The first park bench that I sat on with sqaishey. I remember watching her videos in it before I met her. Before everything. When my life was a worse time. 

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