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I felt something wet on my cheek and I slightly stirred and again felt something wet on my cheek. I slowly opened my eyes and turned to see my furry companion Yori sitting next to my head with her head tilted to the side. I sighed and looked at the clock on my bedside table and jumped out of bed.

I threw off my pyjamas and took a quick show. I than ran back into my room and pulled out my usual outfit. I threw on my long sleeved fishnet top then put my white dress with a turtle neck and a pouch on the front of it over the fishnet top. I pulled up my shoes that went up just bellow my dress. I then put my weapons pouch on my right leg.

I picked up Yori and put her in he pouch on the front of my dress. I then ran down stairs as combed my fingers through my shoulder length brown hair. I ran into the kitchen to see mum and big sis there. Mum threw me an apple and I took a bite out of it.

"Thanks mum, hey where's Kiba did he already go to the academy." I asked jogging on the spot.

"No he's still asleep." Mum answered.

I shock my head and laughed at his stupidity. I waved goodbye to my mum and sister and started running to the academy. I was in the same class as my brother for two reasons. One I am very shy and awkward around people so they let me be in the same class as my brother even though I'm a year younger. And two after I took the exam to see my level before I entered the academy they said I was to advance for my class so I was put in my brothers.

I finished eating my apple and threw the scraps in a bin I ran by. The academy was in sight and I upped my pace and ran into the classroom and took my usual seat which was at the back of the classroom next to the window. I looked at the calming view our the window but I looked down at Yori when she nudged my hand. I gave a small smile and pulled out a dog biscuit and gave it to her. She happily ate it a I gave her head a small pat before looking back out the window. I heard a group of girls talking a few seat ahead of me and couldn't help but listen in due to the fact that they were talking about me.

"Kiko Inuzuka is so weird, she nothing like her brother and she's a year younger than us. She so shy and annoying. I wish she would just die." One of them said with venom in their voice.

I tried to blocked them out as sadness filled me. They always said they wish I would die. I felt Yori nuzzled my hand and I looked down and her and she gave me me a worried looked. I scratched behind her eras and gave her a small smile.

"It's okay girl, I just fine." I whispered to her.

Iruka walked into the class and began. My brother was still not here. Oh he Is so dead, mum is going to kill him. I looked around the class and noticed Naruto wasn't here either, I wonder what trouble he's getting  it now.

I looked to the door when I heard fast heavy footsteps coming. Having an idea of to who it was an watch to see if he would be bleeding or not. The door slammed open to reveal my idiotic brother who had laboured breathing. Kiba apologies to Iruka then looked up at me with a betrayed look. He then went and sat in his seat only to fall asleep. I rested my head on my hand as I slightly payed attention to the class.

I turned my head and looked out the window to see Naruto begin dragged into academy tied up. I wonder what he did. He was soon dragged into the classroom and was given a lecture, complements of Iruka sensei. Then the worst thing happened. We all had to go down and do the transformation jutsu. I froze in place as fear spread through my body. I didn't want to do that for the whole class to see.

Everyone stood up and walked to the front. As I was walking I tried to looked as small as possible. I patted Yori as I tried to get my nerves under control. I stood in line a waited for my turn. When it came to my turn I turned into Iruka making a few mistakes on purpose so not to draw attention. I then quickly went back to my seat.

It felt like forever until class finally ended but I stayed behind but I stopped Kiba before he left.

"Hey Kiba tell mum I'll be late home, I'm going to go do some training." I quietly said to him.

"Ok lil sis, but make sure not to over do it." Kiba said ruffling my hair.

I have a small giggle and nodded to him. He gave me his wide smile while he waved goodbye to me. I stayed behind in class and waited for everyone to leave then stood in front of Iruka.

"time for you to redo the transformation jutsu." He said.

I nodded and transformed into my brother perfectly without using any extra chakra.

"Very well done Kiko, I'm impressed you've got it down so perfectly, here I know you're still in the academy but you're ready for some more advanced jutsu. If you need any help with those than come ask me." Iruka said handing me a scroll with some jutsu I could learn.

"Thank you Iruka sensei for letting me do make up at then end of class." I said quietly.

He just smile and I ran out of the academy and to one of the training grounds. When I made it to the training grounds Yori jumped out of the pouch and sat under a tree. I followed her and sat down as well. I pulled out a dog biscuit and gave it to her. I then opened the scroll and studied it.

Once I was done training both Yori and I were laying on the grounds exhausted. I tried to get up only to fall down. Well crap let's hope I recover enough to do the graduation exam tomorrow. I stayed laying down and looked up at the darkening sky. Well mums going to be pissed that I not going to be home for dinner.

I heard footsteps and looked to my side to see Kiba walking towards me. He got up to me and help me up and Yori went into my pouch. Kiba put my arm around his shoulders as we began walking home.

"Thanks big bro." I said.

"No problem, but don't over work yourself next time. You worry me." He said.

I laughed and shrugged at him And he just sighed. We made it home and I ate dinner then Youri and I crashed when we got to my room.

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