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I felt something brush against my cheek I groaned and rolled over. I once again felt something brush against my cheek and I groaned again a laid on my stomach. I then felt my blanket being dragged off me. I grumbled and sat up to see Yori pulled my blanket off.

"Huh, why?" I said half asleep.

She barked and most people would have only heard a bark but I heard her speak.

"Look at the clock." She said in a high voice.

I turned to the clock and jumped out off bed and did my rushed morning routine. Crap I've really gotta start waking up earlier. I picked up Yori and put her in the pouch in front of my dress. I ran down stairs and like most mornings mum threw me an apple. I caught it and ate it while I ran out of the clans compound.

I made it to the academy and went to my seat and looked at the window. People started flooding in and the group of girls sat a few seats ahead of me. I struggled not to scrunch my nose up when I smelt the intoxicating perfume.

"The little bitch Kiko should just go and die already. She's completely useless and has no chance of passing the graduation exam." The head of the group said.

I sighed and Yori lowly growled at them. I looked out the window. Iruka came in and began the exam. I quietly waited at the back of the room for my turn. I was called after my brother. I walked into the room and did the hand sighs and made three clones. Iruka congratulated me and handed me a forehand protector. I strapped it around my forehead and went outside.

When I got outside I saw Naruto mopping on the swing. I sighed and walked up to him and gave him a small smile.

"I'm sure you'll pass next time, after all you're going to become the hokage one day." I said before walking to my mum, sister and brother.

Were walking to go get some food as congratulations on graduating from the  academy. We sat down at the restaurant and mum and Kiba dug in. I sighed at my crazy family which I love. I took a few pieces here and there while I fed Yori who gladly ate it. I looked out the window to see multiple ninja running around frantically. I wounded what's up.

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