Chapter 29: The Icy Depths of His Soul

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*****Dante's POV*****

"It's been three days, Dante." He expected me to speak but I remained silent. Silent as I had been since the moment I snapped out of my angered state and saw Kayla lying mangled and unmoving beneath me. I snapped my eyes open and spun my chair around to stare out of the window.

"Dammit! Dante. We cannot win a war against them without you leading us, you know this! I won't be the one to make that decision for her because you know I will choose the safety of the pack. I don't want to do that to you, but if you do this, you are giving me no choice!" When I still did not speak, I heard his footsteps leading him out and the door slammed letting me know I was alone once again in my hell-filled world.

I had never given the side that belonged to Corrina that much control. Even when she was here, I wouldn't allow it. I always kept that part of me buried deep as I could. I couldn't understand why I couldn't do it that day. That day when she needed me the most, I destroyed everything I could have ever hoped to have with her. Even if she could one day forgive me, I could never forgive myself. I scooted my chair back and stood just as the door cracked open and Ashley came and set a tray of food down onto the table for me. "Xavon said to bring it just in case." She smiled up at me timidly and I glanced down at the food on the tray. I stepped to the edge of the desk and picked it up and held it back for her to take.

She sighed and nodded her head. Just as she was about to exit, she turned and looked back at me. "The healer said she is showing signs of waking up soon, Lord Alpha. I just thought you should know. She's stronger than any of us could have known."

Her words brought no relief. I turned and stepped behind my desk and looked out the window behind my estate. Xavon was in the training ring with several of the strongest warriors.

I watched as he stepped from one to the next. I heard a noise behind me and realized that the girl had not left yet. "You know, Xavon thinks there is no other choice but to hand the Luna Queen over to the wraith army when they come, but I won't let him. I know I am out of order, but we all really need your guidance. Kayla needs your guidance. You don't know how she'll feel when she wakes up. You..." she seemed to hesitate as I turned to look at her honestly shocked to hear her speak so much and actually listening to what she was saying. "I have known her for 18 years. I thought she would hate me when Aiden did what he did, but she remained the same throughout. She always showed me I still mattered to her."

I thought she was finished so I turned back around to face the window. But she spoke once more. "She told me when I first came that you told her an Alpha is supposed to be someone who shines a light for his pack and people when they cannot find any themselves. That he is supposed to give them hope when they have none. Well, right now, our light is out, and we have no hope. Are you going to give it to us or leave us in the darkness, Lord Alpha?"

With that, the door closed and I looked back at it incredulously. Her logic reminded me of Kayla's. I ran my fingers through my hair and looked back toward the field. Xavon was in the ring with Amari. Amari was one of my best, but even he stood no chance against the wraith army. I knew they needed me. But I needed Kayla. And I had lost her. Even if she woke up. How could I bring myself to face her? I couldn't.

*****Kayla's POV*****

I screamed again, reliving that moment again, only this time, I felt the scratchy effects of my scream against my throat. Had I really screamed? Could I open my eyes? I tried, but they felt like they were weighted down. I tried again.

I wanted them to open. I willed them to open. I felt my heartbeat escalate and I tried once more. This time, I was finally able to pull them slowly open and although it burned incredibly bad, I forced them open completely.

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