Chapter 23: Out of the Ordinary

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*****Alexander and Kayla pictured above*****

Dante allowed me to enter the smaller dwelling first, but he stepped in almost on my heels. He wasn't going to allow any space between us and I really didn't want him to with Damen here. I had below 0 trust for him and I did not even want to be in the same room as him. I stepped down the hall and entered into the last room on the right. The parlor was always kept dark, so I knew it was where they would be. Instead of sunlight, it was lit by candles only and I made eye contact first with Alexander. He was standing by the drink bar. I stepped over to him and bowed my head. I knew who he was to me, and that, in my opinion, meant that I owed him respect. Of course, he didn't see it that way because he instantly lifted my head with his finger under my chin. "The Queen of Queens should never bow her head to a single soul. No one will be worthy of that." Before I could respond, he had my right hand in his and he lifted it up as he looked back and forth between the ring and Dante, who I felt right behind me with his hands close to my back. When I realized he was that close, I leaned against him. "Alexander, that ring should not surprise you. Did you sincerely believe you would come and tell me of my daughter's transgressions and I would just easily let Kayla go back with you?" He laughed at the silliness of it, and it made me want to laugh too. Had he thought that? I furrowed my eyebrows and for the first time, I glanced at the other two in the room.


Alexander laughed bitterly. "Oh, please, dear queen. Please tell the Queen of Queens what those transgressions are!"

I glared back at him and stepped away from Dante. I knew he would follow, but I wanted him to anyway, so I didn't glance back. I stepped in front of Kathiana and gave her my command. "Look at me." When she lifted her eyes, I saw everything. Her love. Her devotion. Where and who she wanted to spend eternity with. I saw it all. She had tried to tell him, but he wouldn't listen. He was angry, and rightfully so. But he was directing his anger at the wrong one. I looked down and pulled her hand into my own. When I felt her gaze lift back up to mine, I smiled. "You know, Kathiana, sometimes, I think men are worse than women when it comes to emotional situations." For the first time I glared around her at the other person in the room. His eyes glowed a sparkling blue, but I felt nothing from it except pure hunger. I gasped.

I spun around and pulled Kathiana close beside me with my arm around her waist. "You're my protector and yet you failed to see this situation for what it really is? Damen tasted her blood. Of course her blood is tempting for him. The taste of power is always tempting when you have none of your own." I spun back around and glared at Damen. I suddenly wanted to cause him so much pain that he would want to get as far away from me as possible. "I have an idea, Damen." I stepped backward with Kathiana and waited until we were beside Alexander and then I pushed her gently against him. "Drink from me. Taste my blood. Taste my power."

Alexander immediately bolted forward, but I gave him a stern look. "Protect your Queen. Kathiana has done nothing wrong against you. It is your brother who deserves your punishments! Her eyes display her honesty. You should have taken the time to notice!" In my time explaining this to Alexander, Damen had taken the opportunity to inch forward several steps, and although the motions seemed to go unnoticed by the rest of the people in the room, I was fully aware of where he was.

"Assessing your prey, Mr. Kovington? Come now. I thought you would have been wiser than that. I'm not the same little weak Kayla you met a short time ago. I am a queen now. The Queen of Queens. Come on." I stepped towards him once. I wouldn't get any closer and risk Dante attacking him. I couldn't stand any pain being inflicted on my mate because of this creature.

He leapt forward suddenly and I smiled. Perfect. I lifted my hand as soon as he was in the air and I brought it forcefully down. Mimicking my action with my hand, Damen fell to the floor in a pain-filled moan. "What the..."

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