Chapter 49 - Back To School

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Hollis POV

My head is killing me....

I woke up and saw Nadia on top of me and Errol in his Erufu form sleeping in a crib.

"Had a goodnight sleep?" she smirked.

I quickly ran away from her when I noticed she was wearing an inappropriate bunny suit with stockings and heels, "Nadia, why are you wearing that?!" I became frightened.

"Oh...this is just a gift for you" she smiled as her ears moved rapidly.

"Nadia" I glared at her.

"I look sexy huh huh huh?!" she giggled.

"Nadia, I don't want to be punished by the gods" I sighed.

Errol woke up looking at her in a perverted way.

He's still himself as a baby.....

She took him out of the crib and he poked her boobs and hugged her tightly.

"Awe, he loves me!" she smiled softly.

"I think he wants more than that" I said shaking my head.

She tried to take him off her but he cried every time she did. I took out her tablet and gave him. She placed him on the floor while he watched a show called Dora the Explorer.

"So....when are you going to put on back his ring?" I smiled nervously.

"In due time my friend, in due time" she smiled proudly.

Time skipped....

She finally put on his ring and we packed our bags to go back to Yōso Academy. I struggled carrying her luggage, "What is in this?!" I wined.

"I'm carrying a lot of devices for you guys" she smiled nervously.

Errol laughed carrying light luggage.

"He's too young to carry these heavy ones" she squeezed his cheeks.

I glared at him laughing evilly.


We arrived at Yōso Academy in the night and went to our rooms. I entered my room and saw Peter and Nelson talking to each other.

"Hey guys" I sighed.

"Hey" they smiled.

Peter gave me some weird things he found while he tried to find other Doragans, "I couldn't find any of my people but I got these" he smiled with his sharp teeth and snake like tongue.

"Cool" I smiled.

I took out a device called a smartphone and showed them, "Nadia gave me" I said while my ears moved rapidly.

They trembled hiding under their blankets from it when it made a loud noise.

"Guys it's just turning on" I smiled nervously.

"It's a monster" Nelson glared at it.

Peter screamed destroying it then Nelson shot it with many light beams.

I trembled staring at it, "Nadia gave me that" I pouted.

"We protected you" they smiled proudly.

I quickly hid the other devices she gave me and placed the bag in my closet but one of her favorite anime openings called History Maker played. They looked really scared hiding behind me. I slowly took out the device that was playing it and turned it off.

"That actually sounded good" Peter smiled nervously.

"We were born to make history" the song continued.

They drooled taking the device from me, "Humans are so smart making this type if magic" they smiled.

"Yeah....." I laughed nervously.

Time skipped....

I got bored watching them freak over the device. I went outside and saw Mrs. Magi and Mr. Kabe talking and laughing at each other jokes. He patted her head and she smiled calling him big brother. They saw me staring at them and quickly stopped doing whatever they were doing.

"Good night Mrs. Magi and Mr. Kabe" I smiled softly.

"Good night......" they smiled nervously.

He stopped me before I went back into my room, "Mr. Wagner...we need to talk" he said slowly.

She went into her room leaving us alone. He folded his arms looking around if anyone else was here, "Mr. Wagner, Ms. Toski is in danger now since people found out she's the Great wizard....I need you and the others on your team to keep a keen eye on her" he said in a serious tone.

"Yes....sir" I said. I looked at his pyjamas then looked outside, "Sir, what happened to you when people found out you were a Great wizard?" I asked.

"I...was turned into a child or a baby many times so they could raise me as their own so they could have a Great wizard to themselves and attacked many times...even now," he sighed creating a flame in his hand, "I still can control all elements's not so powerful as before" he smiled.

He waved goodbye and went to his office. I went back in my room and saw Nelson and Peter asleep near the device.

Tomorrow is back to learning new things....


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