Chapter 55 - Graduation

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Hollis POV

Nadia called Jayson, Julee, Blaire, Elisa, Karma and me to her room before the graduation ceremony. The room was filled gifts and cards.

"My dad and I planned this for you guys" she smiled softly.

"How did you guys afford this?!" Julee became frightened.

"Well....I was saving for a car when I turn 16 but...this world has carriages and horses" she sighed.

She gave each of us a gift. I opened mine was a fluffy stuffed rabbit toy. She smiled winking at me, "I know you will like it's texture" she smirked.

Jayson took out a jacket with a flag pattern that looked familiar. He glared at her smiling at him, "I'm not British" he said angrily.

"But it will look cute on you" she chuckled.

He tried on the jacket then Elisa and Aria screamed hugging him. "This is the power of this jacket....I see" he smirked.

Julee and Elisa got some anime figures they were freaking out over and Blaire got a costume with a large black bow.

"You just remind me of the character Blake from RWBY" Nadia smirked.

"It's a bit exposing" Jayson smiled nervously.

"If I were you, I would wear it for pleasure for Jayson" Elisa said with a perverted look on her face.

"Elisa!" Jayson and Blaire blushed extremely.

"You know you wanna" she chuckled.

Nadia smiled with tears in her eyes while she looked at us in our graduation gowns, "I'll miss you I got buttoned that we can reach in contact," she spoke softly wiping her tears. "and Hollis I'm waiting to get that ring on my finger" she laughed.

"Yeah" I smiled blushing a little.

She ran into her closet and struggled carrying something. I smiled when I realized it was a big ball of yarn. I purred hugging it tightly.

"Awe!" Julee and Elisa smiled.

I glared at them and slowly stopped hugging it.


The graduation ceremony started and me and the other graduates sat down in our assigned seats. I waved to mom and dad. Mom couldn't stop crying while dad tried to make her stop but she cried harder as her ears drooped.

"Mom, I'm okay!" I smiled waving to her.

"I know you are baby!" she sobbed.

Mrs. Magi and Mr. Kabe listed out the graduates and gave us our certificates. Katsuko smiled proudly receiving her certificate for best student in using Ice magic and Jayson got a certified for Excellence in Magic. He's not good at using Metal magic as he uses Normal magic that many people can't do.

I failed that class so....

Oh, Rain got a certificate for Spiritual student. It was the first time that was given to a student because students always had a hard time with spirits.

Trevor came on the stage to make his speech. He smiled nervously trying to fix the microphone then finally relaxed.
"Yōso Academy has changed many people lives, good and bad but that's the path they have chosen to walk on through life. Myself and others have gotten many friends with other students and even teachers especially Mrs. Magi....she always supports us to make sure we do our best. We...will miss you Mrs. Magi" he smiled.

Mrs. Magi cried on Mr. Kabe's shoulder while Trevor continued his speech. Many students went to her and cheered her up.

"And.....this year was different because of Koneko Tribe citizens were allowed with freedom into our school and....the spirits chose students randomly without the board....which made a lot of you upset because of your good grades are no use that much anymore, but I know you all will become something great in the future...and even help future students that will enter the school" he continued.

I looked at my dad when I realized I don't want to take his position in the future. I felt guilty but I felt good that I know one thing I don't want to do in life.

Time skipped....

The ceremony ended and Mr. Kabe called me then gave me a paper with my name on it. "I hope it's not a bother but...I'm retiring soon and I'm offering you a job as the principal of this school like in 5 years or so" he smiled nervously.

I became really excited and shook his hand many times, "I'll gladly accept this!" I smiled.

"But....aren't you the Prince of Koneko Tribe, I think this will be useless to you" he sighed.

"Oh yeah....I'll think about it anyways" I spoke softly.

"I know you will" he chuckled patting my head.

I was alone with sitting in the auditorium while I thought of my opinions. Zander sighed entering the auditorium glaring at me, "What are you doing now?" he asked.

"I'm thinking" I sighed.

"Cool" he smirked taking out a chocolate bar out of his pocket and ate it.

" careful of messing up the gown" I smiled nervously.

"Trust me I-"

He stared at the chocolate stain on the graduation gown, "Shit!" he screamed. "Now mom is gonna have to wash this before Mr. Kabe kills me" he wined.

"Why are you eating chocolate at this time?" I asked.

"I....saw it for half price at a store near by so I bought it" he mumbled not looking at me.

"Yep, you definitely act like a 6 year old" I smirked.

"Shut up" he said angrily glaring at me. He looked at the paper Mr. Kabe gave me, "That's a great opportunity!" he smiled taking it from me.

"Yeah....but royalty and stuff" I wined.

"Why can't you give your position to someone you trust if you don't want to do it?" he rolled his eyes.

I looked at Katsuko outside talking to her friends. She knows every citizen in the Koneko Tribe Cat village name and always help me when I forget some duties.

"Is....Katsuko good?" I smiled a little.

"Yeah, he seems good. She's your cousin after all and knows all your weird traditions of  Koneko Tribe" he chuckled.

"I guess I'll see you at the festival tomorrow" I smiled softly.

"Sure, Saffron asked me out....I never expected Romeo to like me" he smiled nervously blushing a little.

"You are a great guy and will become a great leader in the future" I laughed.

"I feel principal vibes from you" he said shaking his head.

"I better start from now" I smiled nervously.


??? POV

"So are you troops ready?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes sir!" my soldiers replied.

I smirked as my tongue hissed, "My son Ivan has sided with those Ningenas but that won't stop me! For the Doragans!" I said.

"For the Doragans! Find the lost Prince!" the cheered on.

"I will find my lost son Peter even if he's dead" I chuckled.


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