He Knows You're Mad When
When you ignore him and everything else around you. Usually you'll just lie on the couch on your stomach, your face pressed into the cushions as you try and ignore everything that's happening and focus on your own thoughts. Usually you will feel hands rest on your hips, lifting you up and pulling you into Ashton's lap. He'll ask what's wrong and the two of you will talk for hours, him letting you rant for a while, before finally you'll feel better and the two of you will cuddle on the couch.
When you come home, grab him by the shirt and kiss him roughly. He knows that once you're angry you'll do anything to get your mind off of things, and he doesn't really complain about your solution to those problems but he knows it's not right to take advantage of the situation like that. He generally pulls away, telling you to tell him what's wrong first. At first you'll remain stubborn and not want to tell him but after a while of him pleading for you to tell him, you'll spill. Once you feel better he'll lean in and kiss you, gently though and you'll kiss back, this time softly and having no anger to vent out of your system.
When you walk straight through the door and hug Luke tightly, burying your face into his chest and squeezing your eyes shut. If you concentrate hard enough, it sometimes helps and you forget about everything that's making you angry for a few seconds. Luke will immediately wrap his arms around you for a few minutes, letting you squeeze him tightly before he cradles your face in his hands, asking what's wrong. You'll tell him and once you're done he'll kiss your forehead before offering to do something that will relax you, like a bubble bath or watching your favourite movie whilst the two of you cuddle.
When you storm through the door, drop your stuff on to the ground or on a desk in an angry heap and then storm right up to him, ranting your heart out. He'll stay still, listen, and try and not keep an amused smirk off his face as he thinks that you're so cute when you get into your passionate rants. Once you're done you'll let out a long breath before he stands up and gives you a tight hug and a kiss on the lips, telling you to have a steamy shower and calm down whilst he makes your favourite meal for you.
Shopping with Ashton was always...interesting. Let's just say he was definitely more into it than you were. While you liked to browse and occasionally try on a few things, deciding on your own whether or not you'd buy it, he would try on stuff in every single store you walked into and insist on your detailed opinion of every outfit. More than once you'd been a little distracted by how your boyfriend would spend half the day naked in a changing room.
You liked to shop. A lot. You would always drag Calum along with you to the mall whenever you wanted a new outfit. He would complain the whole journey there and then even more as you walked around every store. Eventually you'd give up on the clothes and take him to the food court. He'd act like a little kid and pretend to be annoyed with you until you'd buy him ice cream and take him home.
You and Luke had only ever been shopping together once. You hadn't known him very long and he called you up saying he had a sister around your age who he needed to buy a birthday present for. He took you into the jewellery store and made you pick out your favourite necklace. After he bought it he dropped you home and handed you the box, confessing that he didn't even have a sister and he just wanted to spend the day with you.
You and Michael had recently moved in together and your apartment was in desperate need of some furnishing. You drove to IKEA and spent the entire day running around the massive space. You filled your carts with cute and colourful utensils and pretended the display kitchens were your own. When you got to the bedding section Michael pulled you in for a kiss and pushed you onto the nearest bed.
"How about we take this one home and break it in?" he whispered into your ear, making you giggle and get suspicious looks from the other customers.
Heyy! Decided to do a put two preference in one chapter since its quite short
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5SOS Preferences
Fanfictionthe title basically explains it all, plus read at your own risk because 5sos feels you know creds to the rightful owners on tumblr !!