#82 Miscallenous 5
You watch him as he sleeps;
Ashton and I had just arrived home from a long day out. First we went to do some party shopping, then to the gym, then back out shopping, then to the park, then to other little stores downtown, etc. Once we’re done putting everything away, I tell Ashton that I’m going to take a shower, then I’ll be back to go to sleep. So I take my shower and get dressed in the bathroom. I step back into our room to find Ashton asleep with his limbs sprawled out across our bed. His bare chest rises and falls steadily as his head is turned to face the window. Climbing into the bed, I find that it’s hard to move his body to make enough room for myself, but I eventually manage to do so and I lay next to him for quite some time. I notice that, when he’s sleeping, Ashton’s dimples are ever so slightly visible, as if he’s smiling at something he’s dreaming about. I take a finger and poke right where the dimple is, causing him to wake up and give me a joking glare before pulling my body close to his own.
Calum and I had spent our Friday night together watching movies and just cuddling on the couch. I have no idea how late we had stayed up, but it must have been until the small hours of the morning because, when I wake up at noon, Calum’s still fast asleep. I turn my body to face him completely, and he shifts his weight in his sleep, as well, so that he is turned toward me. I stare at him for quite some time, again, with no concept of time. My gaze is most often directed towards his mouth and his perfect lips. I watch as they move slightly and he stirs around a bit. Propping myself up on an elbow, I readjust myself so that I can see his face again. I refocus on his mouth as it parts open a little as he takes a deep breath, then closes again. I can resist no longer, so I lean over him, placing my lips on his. He slowly wakes up and realizes what I’m doing, so he kisses me back. Then, Calum rolls over so that he is on top of me, continuing the kiss. He slowly breaks it and whispers with a wide smile.
“Good morning, Y/N”.
I just arrived at my house from shopping for a good four hours. Michael had refused to go with me earlier, and, looking back, that was a really good idea. He would’ve never lasted that long carrying my bags around. I wash up in the bathroom and go into my room to get my pajamas on. When I walk into the room, I see Michael curled up in a ball on my bed. His shoes are to the side and his hair is going in twenty different directions. After changing into my pajamas, I crawl onto the bed next to Michael, leaving a few inches between my face and his sleeping one. I look at his soft features, admiring how delicate he looks when he’s asleep. My hand finds it’s way to his face and I gently rub my thumb along his cheekbone. The soft movements cause him to slowly peel his eyes open. When his eye are fully open, I continue staring at him and smile.
“What?” he asks in his adorable baffled voice, giggling. I give his face one last pat before curling myself close up to his body, falling asleep with his arm draped across me.
It’s late on a Friday night and Luke and I are cuddled up on the couch, watching reruns of Friends. My eyelids begin to feel heavy, so I check the time on my phone. 1:37 a.m. I figure that it would make sense to go upstairs and get into bed instead of falling asleep on the couch, in which case I would likely fall off of it during the night.
“Lukey,” I whisper, my voice barely audible and filled with tiredness, “do you want to head upstairs? I’m really tired”.
I wait for a few seconds and get no response but a heavy breath from behind me. I turn to face him and see that he’s asleep. The light from the TV illuminates his face so I can just barely see him. I look at his broad shoulders, stacked on top of one another as he lies on his side with his back against the couch. My eyes wander to his tiny nose. Luke’s tiny, boppable nose. I pull a hand out from underneath the covers and bring it up to his face, gently tracing the bridge of his nose, stopping when I reach the tip, giving it a small tap, making him peel open his eyes and smile as I giggle at his weary yet lit up face.

5SOS Preferences
Fiksi Penggemarthe title basically explains it all, plus read at your own risk because 5sos feels you know creds to the rightful owners on tumblr !!