#67 Pranks

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#67 Pranks

As a good girlfriend, you supported Calum when you could, which mostly meant going to his shows. Whenever you were near him or on tour with them, you sat backstage and watched. Who could pass up a free show? However, after watching the same show for so long, you started to get a bit bored backstage. You voiced this once to Ashton during a studio session and a devious grin broke out on his face.

"We've been waiting to get Calum back for his last prank! This is perfect!" Ashton shouted.

"What are you thinking?" you asked nervously, watching Calum wink at you while singing. You both became quiet when the music stopped, waiting until you couldn't be heard before coming up with a plan. You were tweeting some fans back when the idea hit you.

"Could we somehow involve the fans?" you asked. The fans were so cool with everything. Ashton agreed and the plan came to action the next night. The plan was you would start a twitcam during soundcheck, telling the fans to tweet Calum all day with "#babyhood". During the twitcam, you posted a video "announcing" your pregnancy to the fans. Everyone knew it was a prank, except for Calum.

Watching the show that night felt more exciting than ever. You sat on a crate backstage, watching your Twitter feed light up with fans tweeting the hashtag and applauding the prank. Your heart sank when a couple party-poopers tweeted the prank to Calum but he was already on stage.

In the dressing room after the show, you and Ashton watched Calum flipping through his mentions when he dropped the phone and looked at you. Your eyes immediately fell to Ashton, pretending to talk.

"Y/N? What's this about?" he asked, showing you his screen with #babyhood trending. You looked down.

"I wanted to tell you." you whispered. You tried to remain stoic as Calum choked.

"Y-You mean.. we.. and baby?" he asked, coming to sit next to you. You winked at Ashton and he jumped.

"Ha! Sucker!" Ashton shouted, laughing and running away, high-fiving a roadie on the way out the door. You sat and laughed as Calum shook his head, getting up to run after him.

Ashton: You knew Ashton worked very hard. He would spend his time these days either playing shows or recording for their upcoming album. He was barely able to talk to you, let alone relax. It was on his day off when you finally did see him, even if he was sleeping. You still sat their for an hour, simply enjoying the fact he was beside you, before the hour passed and you got bored. You wanted him to sleep but you wanted to do something.

Boredom is the source of bad ideas. Hence, the reason why your makeup bag was open on your lap and the eyeliner was magically on Ashton's face. You carefully started lining his eyes with intricate stars and shapes, making sure he wasn't waking up. Lipstick and blush followed suit until you peaceful boyfriend started to look a bit too feminine.

Your laughter was echoing in the quiet room. You brought your phone out to take a couple pictures, sharing it with the 5SOSFam, before taking Ashton's phone and snapping a new background picture for him.

You had trouble explaining to him what happened through your laughter that night. He washed off his face, chuckling at a few tweets, promising to "get you back". He came out, sitting beside you, saying only one thing as he looked at his new background: you smiling over his sleeping clown face.

"That's a nice selfie."

Luke: A spider in your hair was what started it all. Luke, the loser, thought he was so funny pranking you that morning. You thought 'hey, I'm going to have a nice morning with my boyfriend' but NO! Luke had to place that fake spider in your hair, making you jump and flail, falling onto the floor. You couldn't hear anything but his laughter. After smirking at you all morning, you thought there must be something more coming. You decided to take a walk.

On the walk, you tried thinking of a prank, but pranks weren't your thing. "What are we, 5?" you thought. You decided to let old dogs die- or whatever the expression is- and go home. The door slammed behind you and you flinched. Of course, you were nervous, he pranked you that morning! He couldn't be trusted.

"Luke! I'm home." you shouted. No answer. You wandered up the stairs, into the bedroom, but he wasn't there either. You heard him singing and water running. You snuck close to the bathroom.

"I'm not fine at all!" he sang loudly, in falsetto. It was like a lightbulb blinked over you. Slowly, you opened the door, pausing momentarily when it creaked. When Luke didn't react, you snuck in, closing the door behind you. You tiptoed over to the shower, gripping the curtain in your fingers, clearing your when Luke went for the end. You ripped back the curtain and let out a blood-curdling scream.


"Ahhhhhh!" Luke squealed, grabbing himself and hitting the wall. His foot slipped and he nearly fell. You laughed loudly at him, sitting back on the toilet, clutching your stomach.

"That's not funny!" Luke screamed, his deep voice back. Instead of intimidating you like this tone usually would, you just laughed harder, the sound of Luke's girly scream ringing in your head.

"You were a girl!" you laughed. trying to find breath. Luke pouted, pulling a towel around him.

"You scared me!" he defended angrily, coming towards you.

"The spider scared me!" you argued, standing, which didn't help much as Luke was taller than you anyways. A smile broke out on his face.

"I guess we're even then?" he asked. You shrugged.

"No more pranks?" you asked. He shook his head.

"No more."

"Good." you nodded, staring at his stupid little smile.

"Now come here." he said, reaching for you, shaking his hair.

"No, you're wet!" you squealed, running out of the bathroom, Luke's heavy footsteps following behind.

Michael: Nobody knows when it started, but for some reason all of Michael's shirts lately had "Idiot" scrawled across the back. This was prime mocking opportunity. As soon as Michael acsended the stairs with another idiot shirt, you scoffed.

"Do you want everyone to know why you dropped out?" or "Hello Idiot, I'm Y/N." escaped your smirking mouth. Michael always came back with "shut up" or "it's punk rock" as a defense. Mornings like this happened all the time and that's why you didn't see it coming when Michael pranked you. You placed your breakfast dished in the sink, kissing Michael quickly.

"Okay, idiot, I'll be ready in ten." you said, walking to your room. You thought of what to wear to his show when you were met with all of your jackets- needed as it was winter- defaced with "idiot" painted over the back.

"MICHAEL GORDON CLIFFORD!" you howled, throwing jacket after jacket onto the bed.

"Yes?" he asked, smiling in the doorway.

"What in the living fuck have you done?!" you asked, throwing your last jacket at him. He caught it.

"Now we can match." he laughed. You scowled.

"Is this for making fun of you?" you asked, gripping your favorite jacket.

"This is fun, isn't it?" he said, closing the door.

"But... I never meant it. All my jackets..." you said sadly, looking at them. Michael could feel your emotions hitting the bottom, coming over to you and wrapping his arms around you. His fingers played with the hem of your sweater while he kissed your neck. You shaked with a "sob".

"I didn't mean to make you sad, I'm sorry. It's okay, it washes out." Michael hummed, squeezing you tight for a moment. You broke out of his embrace, grabbing the jackets, surprising Michael with your calm demeanor after seeming so shaken.

"Good. You get started on washing it out while I get ready."

As it turns out, you did wear matching jackets. He did your laundry after all. It only felt right to wear one of his shirts.


okay so the update will be random bc I just couldn't take it and I somehow got extra time today so yeah

vote for random update xxx

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