#58 You Have a Eating Disorder and He Tries To Get You To Eat
He looked over the chocolate covered strawberries that were placed perfectly on the plate in the shape of a heart. He knew that this was going to be hard, but he wanted to try this. He wanted to try and help you break those demons that were holding you back.Walking into the living room with the plate, he placed it down on the glass coffee table and looked down at you. Looking up at your best friend you smiled as he sighed and ran a hand through his hair stressed. Truth be told, he always had a crush on you, upon finding out about your disorder he was crushed and made a promise to do everything in his will to help you. Sitting down, he pulled you onto his lap resting his head on your shoulder.
"Is everything okay Cal?" you asked softly as you ran you hands through his hair. He shook his head as you watched as he picked up a strawberry.
Looking at the berry between his finger your mouth started to water just thinking about how sweet the juicy fruit would taste. Calum watched you looking at the strawberry. Smiling to himself he brought it closer and closer to your lips. Just before it even made contact you gripped his hand.
"Dont do this Cal," you whispered looking into his brown eyes as he sighed.
"Babe just please for me," he begged as he once again tried to bring it closer as you shook your head and looked at him with sadness in your eyes.
"I can't."
"Yes you can. Please..." he mumbled as you sighed and opened your mouth slightly as he placed the tip of the berry between you front teeth feeling accomplished.
He sighed as you sat across from him on your phone picking at the plate before you. He knew that this was hard for you and yet you had promised him you would try. Things were hard with all the mean comments flying around and you couldn't give the fans anything more to talk about."Just one bite," he finally spoke breaking you from your thoughts. Looking into his eyes he sighed and threw his fork onto his plate. You watched him carefully before placing you phone down.
"Ash, you're hungry..." you stated mentioning back to him telling you how hungry he was before you guys walked into the restaurant. He knew he couldn't cause a huge scene here but he wouldn't make another move until you place at lest a tiny bite of food into your mouth.
"And so are you," he pointed out as you rolled your eyes not in the mood to talk about this. In fact you were never in the mood for talking about your eating disorder and it worried him. He was worried about you and wanted nothing more than for you to be healthy once again.
"No I'm fine," you lied as he laughed coldly and shook his head. You watched as he ran a hand through his hair stressed. Biting onto you lip you looked everywhere but at him as he started to talk.
"You know thats a lie. I know thats a lie Y/N. I'm not going to give up on you. I know you can conquer this and you aren't alone, I'm here, the boys are here, your family and friends are here," he started as you looked back at him with tears in your eyes.
"If you won't eat than I won't either," he said as you looked at him and slowly placed a tiny bite of food in your mouth making him smile.
Sighing he rubbed his face frustrated at the fact that he wasn't able to get you to eat. So now here you both stood in the middle of you kitchen with tons of different types of fruit and foods on different plates."Just one thing," he sighed disparate to see you eat one piece of food. Rolling your eyes you placed your hands on your hips as you looked at him with a small smile.
"Mike, I'm fine really," you stated as he shook his head rapidly.
"No your not!" he mumbled pacing back and forth before you. He had finally lost it. He couldn't stand seeing you this way, he knew you wanted to eat but you were in a battle with those little voices in your head. The ones telling you, you weren't good enough. The ones that were always putting you down.
"I just want you to be happy, I want you to be able to eat like the rest of us when we go out. I don't want to have to be worried that you'll pass out when I'm not with you," he sighed as you rolled your eyes and picked up a random piece of food and shoving it in your mouth.
Swallowing you gave him a small smile, "See, I can eat babe, I just don't feel comfortable like most people do eating that much. I know I have issues and I'm seeking helping."
He was by far you biggest support through everything. Slowly but surely you were getting over everything. Every fear was slowly starting to fade away but yet his main worry was your eating. He was worried because he never saw you eat.Come to think of it he believes you don't eat but just live off those drinks that most people that go on those juice diets live off of. He was scared and he had made you try and eat at lest something once a day. At first you weren't on board with it, but once you saw the tears start to build in his bright blue eyes you knew you had to try. You knew this was going to be hard but to many people cared and were worried about you.
Today was the day it was starting. He had come in your room with a full breakfast. Starring at the food you looked back at your blue eyed, blonde hair boyfriend who was smiling back at you.
"I know this is a bit to much, but I couldn't help myself. I just want you to be okay," he mumbled as he picked up the greek yogurt that had mixed fruit in it.
Placing the spoon close to your mouth you looked at it for a while before looking back at him.You so badly wanted to give out right now. Start pushing his hand away and telling him no, but you knew he wanted this for you. He wanted you to get better and you weren't going to let him down. Opening your mouth you allowed him to place the spoon in, making him smile widely at what had just happened.
i know this is an early update but tomorrow i will be in the airport for the whole day so this is my last update for awhile x
vote, comment and share this while I'm gone :)
{Next Update: when there's wifi ;) }

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Fanficthe title basically explains it all, plus read at your own risk because 5sos feels you know creds to the rightful owners on tumblr !!