#84 Hawaii
“Wake up, Y/N!!” Ashton chirps as he rips open the curtains, illuminating the room and exposing the beautiful ocean view to the both of us. The previous day we had taken a twelve hour flight, arriving here in Hawaii well after three in the morning at home. Checking the time, I see that it’s seven o’clock and groan.
“Another hour, please, Ashton,” I beg, allowing my eyes to drift closed once again, only to be startled by the bouncing on the bed.
“Noo, we need to leave now! I made reservations for us at a restaurant my mom told me about, and if we don’t get there on time, they’ll give it to someone else,” Ashton explains, kneeling two feet away from me and watching me weigh my options.
“Fine,” I smile at his enthusiasm. I’m just about to find an outfit when I see that he’s alreaady laid one out for me. After getting ready, we walk along the beach to a small hut-like structure with a few tables set up outside. Only one of the tables is available and there are about twenty people waiting in line.
“Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin, correct?” a man in a green button-up shirt says as he approaches us. I blush a bit and Ashton chuckles.
“Y/N isn’t Mrs. Irwin. Yet,” he grins. Ashton and the man in the green shirt, whose name I find out is Haku, apparently know each other from when Ashton was just a boy and he came to the exact restaurant with his family. We receive annoyed glances from the queue of people on our way to the last open table, which we decide to ignore and admire the clear sky and crashing waves instead.
Our first morning in Hawaii is one of the most peaceful, romantic times we’ve shared.
Each Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday night, the resort Calum and I are staying at host a luau for any visitor staying there. During one of the weeks we stayed at the resort, the 75th annual luau was held to celebrate seventy five years of the resort being open.
Seeing as we arrived on Sunday night, Calum was anxious for Wednesday to come so that we could attend the celebration. When the day finally arrives, I am woken up by Calum’s shuffling across the floor and attempted quiet exit. I fall back to sleep, oddly enough, not wondering where he went off to at five in the morning. Later, I learn that sign-ups for the luau open at 5:15 am, and he wanted to be the first one there in order to choose the table that he wanted.
*fast forward to 6:30 p.m.*
Calum and I sit patiently at the front and center table. Rather, I sit patiently. Calum looks like an excited puppy as the dancers enter the stage and the waiters prepare to deliver the food to the tables. For the entire duration of the luau, he has a look of pure awe on his face. At one point, children were called up onto the stage and given grass skirts and leis, and, Calum, letting out his inner seven year old, decided to join them.
“Come on!” Michael calls to me, trailing behind him as I drag my paddle board along the hot stone walkway. I look ahead to where he is standing, protected from the scorching sun by the shade of a palm tree.
As I approach him, I see that we’re nearly on the beach, which means that I can finally drop this heavy board. At last we make it to the edge of the ocean, secure our ankles with the rope attached to the boards, and begin paddling further away from the shore. I begin the task of attempting to balance myself, placing my feet right where the instructor told me to before slowly straightening my knees. When I look back up, Michael is a good thirty feet ahead of me, furiously paddling across the water.
“Michael!” I call out, attracting attention to others who are peacefully paddling around us.
“Slow down! Please!”
By the time I catch up to him, I am out of breath and he has just regained his. Between gulps of air, I say, “What was that all about?”
Michael looks down at the water gently washing up onto his board, smirking in a bashful sort of way, Then it hits me.
“Is it because of that paddle board instructor guy? Were you trying to show off because of him?” I exclaim, giggling as he nods slightly.
“Mikey, he’s just some surfer guy that I will never ever see again. I don’t even know his name.”
He smirks, “That’s true. You sure do know mine though, seeing as you scream it every ni-”
“Michael!” I cut him off as a family of five in a canoe passes by us. I give them an apologetic glance then return my attention to the boy who is surely going to fall into the water every minute we’re out here.
Luke and I had planned out each day before this on our lovely trip to Hawaii, and this was the first that we’ve had nothing to do, or so I thought. A gentle shaking of my shoulder wakes me up, though I can’t see anything but the dim light of the digital clock beside me, displaying 5:07 a.m. After switching on the lamp on the night table, I turn over to fine Luke, already dressed in swim trunks and an old tank top with two towels under his arm.
“I thought we weren’t doing anything today, Luke,” I grumble, my voice filled with sleep.
“I lied. Let’s go Y/N. We wanna get there before everyone else,” he responds.
“Where are we going? And I need to get dressed first so you’re gonna have to w-”
“You’ll find out soon and you’re still wearing your bathing suit from last night so we can go now,” he says hurriedly, handing me a pair of shorts to wear over my swimsuit. I oblige, and he opens the door for me and leads me down the stairs and onto the path toward the beach. I am surprised, however, when we pass the beach entirely and continue walking along the cliff, somewhere I’d never been.
“Where are we going, Luke?” I ask after walking for a while in silence. There is no one else anywhere to be seen, and it seems as though the birds haven’t even awoken yet. He takes my hand and puts my towel over my shoulders.
“We’re going to a beach,” he says at last, moving the hand that was holding mine to around my waist. The sun hadn’t even risen, and he says that we’re going to a beach, when we’d already passed one - it seems odd but I go along with it. Luke holds me tightly and we eventually come to a steep entrance to a beach after a long scenic walk along the ocean. He leads me to a spot between a circle of boulder like rocks where a blanket and basket are already there.
Sitting me down on one side of the blanket facing the ocean and then sitting down beside me, Luke lights a couple candles set out on the other edge of the blanket. I smile as he kisses my forehead and we spend the morning enjoying biscuits from the Starbucks at the resort and swimming with the entire beach to ourselves as the sun rises.
Credits: lukeboulevard (tumblr)

5SOS Preferences
Fanfictionthe title basically explains it all, plus read at your own risk because 5sos feels you know creds to the rightful owners on tumblr !!